Monday, August 12, 2002

sneak preview...

to tide you over...


oh my gosh... this is just too awesome. play with puppets!... thanks pservniwi!

The Giraffe's penis is upsetting, though.
Blue eyesStep one for the new website. I'm going to make a point of putting a few minutes every day, until it's all done.

I want to twiddle the colors some, and put a small banner graphic across the top.. something the width of both columns.

I'm going to try for something minimalist, though... my last major revision was "I got a kitten" and changing it to accomodate LJ code.

RE: Last Mood - Newton is cute, absorbent, but a poor electrical conductor.

Newton can, however, deliver a static charge from his nose to my finger in a colossal blue arc that would make the Mighty Zeus say "Say, nice one!"

*clutches blackened stump of an arm*

*brushes out crackly-afro*

don't stare at the sun!

added a non-refreshing newtcam pic to my bio page. :)

My Brother brought over a package for me that he signed for yesterday... It's invader zim! 32 episodes of tasty, freaky, Zimmy goodness. Thanks ! Coolio Labels, too. I look forward to watching them with much pleasure. I'll get to learn how my DVD drive deals with VCDS.

Newt's taken to giving me a pre-dawn wakeup call again. I need to find his settings, and adjust him to "one hour after dawn, or so". At least I've found his snooze button... soft fuzzy underbelly.

Fun fact - French are born with tails, which are later removed.

Word of the day - fumbuckery. (I dig spoonerisms.) It describes the functionality of midday meetings.

I want to make homemade ice cream by rolling a bucket back and forth to my sweetie. Strawberry, maybe.

Chuck E. Cheese can cause nostalgia, and nightmares. I tend to side with Mr. Munch.

If you think your pregnancy test should be private, wait until you read this. The new Florida adoption law says that if you don't know the father of your baby and you want to let someone adopt the baby, you have to list all the possible fathers of your child in the newspaper.
When background searches fail to locate the birth father, the mother must place legal notices about the adoption in a local newspaper where the child was conceived.

In the notice, the mother must list her name, describe herself, name or describe the possible father or fathers and list the date and the city or county of conception.

Dear scottobear,

We are glad to inform you that you has[has? You mean have!] been accepted for contributing to the iStockPhoto library.

Thank you very much. You can begin uploading files to iStockphoto by clicking on the "Upload" option on

-The iStockPhoto Administration Team.

Yay! I thought I was forgotten! I'm uploading squirrel.. just to see if it affects my download credit.

Also, I discovered, which is another nifty free image archive, but has many pop ups...(if you have a popup killer [the free one is fine] installed, you're set. ). This kitty cracks me up, somehow.
There's a really fascinating, enthralling article in The New York Times Magazine about the science of coincidence and conspiracy theories. Amazing reading, and written in a great page-turner style.

there are no words to describe you.
except maybe: strange. unique. different.
what kind of child were you?
(brought you by april)

I cannot find the Monastery of Heaped Fragrance,
Miles up now into the clouds of the summit.
There is no footpath through the ancient woods.
Where did the bell sound,
Deep in the forest, deep in the mountain?
The voice of the torrent gulps over jagged stones;
Sunlight hardly warms the bluish pines.
As dusk deepens in these unfathomable mazes,
I practice meditation
To subdue the dragon of desire.

- Wang Wei (701-761)

Bear teeth... Maybe I'll get a nice fossil, and make it into a necklace. :)

The ACC Expo this thanksgiving weekend is going to be better than that trek happening by far.

Did I hear you ask "Why?" dear journal? I'll tell you.

  1. It's only four blocks from my house.

  2. The War Memorial is a huge venue.

  3. They're going to have wacky cosplay folks dressed in Anime costumes.

  4. There's going to be a Heroclix tournament.

  5. There's Bound to be a big honking dealer's room of all sorts of good stuff! (43 of the 85 booth spaces are already sold)

For starters.

$7 to get in is very reasonable, too.

Seeing that horrid website reminded me that I need to put some time in on mine today... commencing now.

Well, Kev's sis will be in ICU for a few more days, but she seems to be doing well. I'm making up a goodie bag for her now, so Kev can take it to her tomorrow.

Let's see. A Few Tick Comic Books...Copy of the Dangerous lives of altar boys, and Nightmare of Ecstasy... (Ed wood Bio.) I think that'll keep her happy for a little while.

No foodie-goodies for her... on an IV, and only allowed shaved ice to suck on. When she gets out, we'll have to get her a tasty can or three of Hawaiian punch.

Looks like a colostomy bag for a few months, but it's better than having it for life. I don't imagine she's taking it too well... she's pretty sensitive. I really can't visit until she's out of ICU.

In other news... Apartment cleaned, and I have groceries for the week. Brother has asthma pretty bad, so he's chilling out today.

Ok, I'm officially a dork.

Newt as a heroclix -

Range 0
Arrows 1
Front Arc 360
Rear Arc 0

Click Number 1 2 3 (4-12 is a KO)

Speed 10 8 6 <-(all clicks are orange) LEAP/CLIMB. This character can leap or climb over characters and terrain. When you give this character a move action, he can ignore the effects of other characters or hindering terrain on movement. This character may end his movement on top of outdoor blocking terrain. This character may make a close combat attack against a figure in an adjacent square regardless of the target's elevation

Attack 10 8 7 <- (red, the first three clicks) BLADES/CLAWS/FANGS - Give this character a close combat action. If the attack succeeds, roll 1 six-sided die. This is the number of clicks of damage you inflict on the target figure instead of this character’s normal damage value.

Defense 18 14 12 <- (red, all clicks) Super senses- This character can avoid being hit in combat. When this character is successfully hit by a ranged or close combat attack, roll 1 six-sided die. On a result of 5 or 6, the attack misses this character instead.

Damage 1 0 0 <-(all clicks are black) OUTWIT -This character can use intelligence, experience and luck to cancel one super power of another character. Once during your turn, this character may "turn off" a super power on a target character; treat the target as if it does not have the cancelled power. That power remains cancelled until the beginning of your next turn. This character must be within 10 squares of the target and have a clear line of fire to that figure. Instead of a power, you may choose to cancel a flying figure’s ability to soar. The soaring figure is considered to be hovering for that turn. If this character loses Outwit or is defeated, the cancelled power returns immediately. This power does not cost an action to use.

Scotto as a Heroclix -

Range 0
Arrows 1
Front Arc 360
Rear Arc 0

Click Number 1 2 3 4 5 (6-12 is a KO)

Speed 5 4 4 2 2 <-(first click is green) CHARGE. This character can move and then make a close combat attack using the same action. When you give this character a move action, he may move up to half his speed value and then make a close combat attack as if he had been given a close combat action. This close combat attack does not cost an extra action. This character may use any of its powers that require a close combat action. This character does not suffer knockback

Attack 9 8 7 6 4 <- (green, the first two clicks) SUPER STRENGTH. This character can pick up objects and use them as weapons to inflict additional damage. During a move action, this character may pick up and carry an object in an adjacent square at no additional cost. Objects increase the damage of a close combat attack and can be thrown (see the Objects section of the rulebook). If a character loses this power while holding an object, immediately place the object in the square he occupies.

Defense 15 14 13 12 <- (orange, the first two clicks) TOUGHNESS. This character reduces damage delivered to him by 1 click. Subtract 1 from any damage inflicted on this character by ranged or close combat attacks, or by super power effects that deliver damage. Toughness does not reduce pushing or critical-miss damage.

Damage 2 2 3 2 1 <-(last three are orange) BATTLE FURY. This character may not be given a ranged combat action. This character is also immune to Mind Control and cannot be carried.

Scotto Team Powers - When a member of the Scotto team is defeated (shows 3 KOs in the stat slot), every other friendly Scotto team member receives 1 click of healing.

We bugged out of the trek happening, quick like a bunny. It sucked pretty badly... there were a couple of stinkies there, but none really photo worthy, and the dealer room was poopy.

As a consolation prize, we went to a comic shop, and bought the Marvel Heroclix miniature combat game, then went to Dave & busters to play race car & pod racer, have lunch, and suss out the heroclix rules.

Very easy game, and quite a bit of fun. We got 8 random heroes in the box, and I bought a nice one for both me (Wasp) and Danny (Juggernaut), for about a buck apiece.

The ones that came in the box were Spider-man, Cyclops, Ultron, A skrull warrior, A hydra guy, Sabretooth, Bullseye, and the puppet Master.

I'd like to pick up the hulk, dr strange, captain america, scarlet witch (hee... her and wasp remind me of my sweetie), Jean Grey. and Prof X... I'm looking for the fantastic four, too.

They Need DC ones... I want the Doom Patrol, Batman, Green Lantern, Misc JSA and Batgirl to add to my collection, also!

Okie dokie... morning chores are done, with an hour to spare. That gives me time to put camera batteries in the charger, and play with Newtie!

Cool T-shirt seen today - "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."

Capper image will be 700 wide, and no more than 300 tall.

Toybox - shared white board, chat area, bbs?

Don't play banjo or do engraving at 4am. people will stab you, and stuff you in a plastic storage bin.

Had chinese dinner with brother, while watching escape from alcatraz on amc. A good flick.

I'm going to tuck in early tonight... tomorrow morning I go pay phone, power, and take care of my paycheck... At about 10:30ish, Danny's coming over, and we're going to the trek happening to check out the dealer's room and for me to go on a photo safari, looking for people that might be image-worthy. :)

My Romance Meter

Optimist 80%
20% Cynic
Close 95%
5% Distant
Long Term 82%
18% Brief
What does my romance meter read?

Book Worm Meter

Shut In 71%
29% Out Of The House
Intellectual 95%
5% Moron
High Attention Span 95%
5% Low Attention Span
Bookitude 96%
4% Book Burner
Book Worm 89.25%
10.75% Bug Stomper
Take your bookworm readings.

What is my spectrum?

I am green: My main color is green. I like to have fun and comfort. Happiness is the marker of a great life.

What is my spectrum?

Would I Survive A Pit Match Against Clinton And Bush

0% chance Bush would kill you.
0% chance Clinton would kill you.
0% chance he would sexually harass you.
100% chance you would kill them.
Enter Combat

The WeatherPixie

I put about 30 minutes in looking for images to add as a "table cap" at the top of my page. Tricky.. I may have to make a point of taking a picture (or pictures, if I want to shuffle) specifically... perhaps a similar layout, with a different image per page?

something like the images here, I think.