Saturday, November 16, 2002

Cool words I rarely have the opportunity to use when speaking and really like.

Those are just the ones that come to mind just now...many more come to mind here and there during the course of the day.

What am I? Heck, it depends on who you ask, and when. I've been considered all sorts of stuff from a misshapen gopher-thing to an iridescent insect man to a mass of seething twine to a yeti with buzz saws for hands to a bouquet of water lilies and toast.

Latest weirdness my news spiders have brought back - Honestly sounds like the aftermath of a ritual of some sort to me, especially considering the poor guy's profession.

One of the best pages for fonts ever.

Weather in my area


I got my toys in the mail today. :) I was short one demolishing ape, but I'm guessing it was an honest mistake. I don't imagine anyone'd try to cheat me out of a $0.17 piece of plastic. (Though I do want it… it's an evil munkee, after all!) I sent him an email, and hopefully he'll be rejoined with his brothers soon.

Random Scotto factoid - as a child I constantly got Rhombus and trapezoid mixed up. I finally learned to remember it by thinking of the trapezoid as a lobster trap. (which has a narrower top). That's what comes from learning shapes in New England. Who knows how I'd have remembered it if I was raised in Arizona.
The poem in the Chevrolet Tahoe commercial is called "Nobody Knows It But Me" written by Patrick O'Leary with the voice-over by James Garner. The words of the poem are as follows:
There's a place that I travel
When I want to roam
And nobody knows it but me.

The roads don't go there
And the signs stay home
And nobody knows it but me.

It's far far away
And way way afar
It's over the moon and the sea
And whenever you're going
that's wherever you are
And nobody knows it but me.

That's beautiful. More commercials should be an introduction to poetry. It reminds me a bit of a fragment of a poem (the rest of which is lost to the dust of memory) called Green Banana Moon. I don't remember the dream portions, but instead only the refrain sticks in my noggin. Perhaps later I'll be able to pry the rest free later.
every night we see a moon
it never looks the same
there's one that's full
and one that's sliced
and one that has a name.

searching with its moonbeam
its glow will find us soon
and once it does
we're sure to dream
beneath the green banana moon.

I'd like to take hold of my beloved and dream with her right now under the green banana moon. Happy dreams. pleasant waves of bliss and cheer.
Why do toasters always have a setting that burns toast to a horrible crisp no one would ever eat? Does anyone deliberately chomp on "chunk of carbon"?

I wonder how soon the 2nd Harry Potter movie's going to be on p2p stuff... or if it's on already? Did J.K. ever get around to getting the fifth book out? (Quick Amazon check) Nope. Slacker. She’s going to miss the bus. Amazon is scary, now that I have paypal / online funds transfer again. Danger! One click shopping! Run, boy! It'll gitcha if'n yer not careful!

Q: what kind of bees gives milk?
A: Boo-bees!

10:45 appointment for the epi on Monday, now. That means I take my pill at 9:45 that morning

Little Newtie wants you to give Scotto more cookies! Looka that little pink nose! How can you resist? Give Scotto cookies. Adore Newt!Got my check deposited... They had a big honkin' spread of punch and snacks... Sakes... there's a way for me to come inside more often..."hmm... maybe I should just check my account balance and have a *COOKIE*". Some sort of party? I don't know, but I got a smiley face sugar cookie out of the deal...a nice reward for tossing my paycheck into my account. I almost (but not quite) regret getting direct deposit now.

Took a delicious hot bath and am now relaxing a wee bit, curled up with a good book, soft lights, and thoughts of my sweetheart. We got to talk for a bit tonight, and it was surely the highlight of my day. a quick pop to the news sites, and then back to frozen text on the page. I'm sending my sweetheart thoughts of mint oreos.

In Florida wacky news -

Schoolbooks could be banned not because of controversial content, but because they weigh too much

Elephant tries out McDonald's drive-through service. Hilarity ensues I wanna feed an elephant veggie burgers!

Authorities on lookout for 'Champagne Bandit', a 300 pound man stealing fine wines

15 Year old steals a police cruiser while in custody
famous deaths, the week in review. has great photos, which makes all the difference. See also the much more complete and useful archive-wise Dead People Server.

Newton looks like a newscaster, or a hangin' judge here. I think he needs a little red tie, blazer, a few blue index cards... and a microphone. "Next caller, you're on the air!"
Judge Newton finds you guilty, and you will hang from the neck until you are D-E-D dead!

Ed Rooney should never have gotten on that school bus.

Just got a call... they've tentatively rescheduled my epi for Tuesday, because my doctor's office hasn't sent the proper referrals over yet. That's a peeve... I got my rides and such all lined up, and now I get to rework it again. I'm looking quite forward to the new insurance company as of 12/1.

Deep One sunning itself in Florida? Possibly...

This is what I want for my next toy... Lindows, the company that ships a version of GNU/Linux that runs most Windows apps, will be shipping a <$500 tablet PC (most tablet PCs to date go for $2000-$3000). The device has wireless networking built in, a nice sharp LCD, and will look mighty fine nestled on my coffee table.
A male contraceptive, 100% effective, and with no bad side effects? Available 2005

Wow, that's outstanding. Questions raised - Will STDs increase as a result of less condom use? Can men in general be relied on to take it daily? (I know I could... just make it part of the routine, along with showering and brushing.)

Dan exchanged money for services with O.J. Simpson last Saturday... a $6 viewing ticket for volleyball-- Dan was ticket concession and his school's team was playing against O.J's Daughter's. Of course, I asked if Danny said anything about "acquitted murderer's discount" or the like. He didn't... his exchange was limited to "six dollars" and that was it...we didn't get as much mileage out of that element of conversation as I'd thought.

Here are some lovely shots of Newt and I in a plastic spoon-wrestling match. Also known as "Newt doesn't want his teeth brushed yet this morning"... I have to get him in the right mood before giving him the brusha-brusha... he needs to be worn out and in a snuggle-bug mindset in order for me to stick my finger in his mouth. Though he looks fierce, it's just horsing around. He's got a lot of strength in his mitts. His paws are so big... little snowshoe-rabbit cat.


Rah--rar? Getting worn out

Unfortunately, I could get no good shots of him getting brushies this morning... maybe next week. I was lucky to get those two above of him trying out for a part in Sabretooth.
Art Nouveau - Comic Book Style - some great stuff...some not so much so, but the majority is quite good.. Interesting theme idea, Dig Batgirl and Wonder Woman, or this group... Ivy reminds me of my sweetheart there, again. Warning, some of the links there contain nudity, but pretty tasteful.
oh yeah, baby.... milk bottle of the week. more proof that every flippin' thing is on the net.

Nifty site - Omar Zabir's Portal. It's a DHTML/Javascript tour de force. Pretty amazing... very well written and quite complete. (I get leery of sites that dominate your whole desktop experience though... a windows simulation that's a little too close.)

I want waffles, or potato pancakes for breakfast/ lunch. I'm not hungry, but craving some comfort food.

Sacre bleu! There are so many cool French comics! Do you remember pipe-smoking superhero Mister X? Or the flamboyant motorcycling crime fighter Motoman? Or the bizarre antihero Satanik, who only robbed and killed other criminals? And who could forget reading Otomox: Master of Robots while eating camembert and sipping chardonnay before school, mes amis? Despite all this, are you prepared for the ultimate team-up of Batman and... Tintin!?! (BTW: Other Tintin parodies abound.) (via memepool)

side note.... my sweetie could wonderfully fill a Batgirl costume... or Poison ivy. Rowr.... beautiful girl with brains and a darkish sense of humor. That's my beloved... so yummy. If I were a superhero, I'd want her on my team.

I'm tempted to try a custom paint from bed. I don't think it'll work...more likely, I'll get paint on me. I think it'll be easier to write fiction instead. I'm overdue for doing that on the laptop, anyhow. Let’s see how my mildly addled skull does.

Yay! I got a zeppelin!The Wolfsonian is a museum of 20th century design in Miami Beach, and their website is a fine place to dig around. Looks like it has a ton of spiffy streamline modern and art deco objects, not to mention world's fair nifties. I'm going to check it out in person as soon as I've got the time and ability to do so. I fear that I'll go a little loopy in the shop. I really like the keychain! ) $5 a head is very reasonable.
Comiclopedia - a searchable gallery of over 3,200 international comic artists with biographies and artwork samples. hee...this one reminds me of my sweetie.
Steal this book (now available as hypertext)

It's already getting warm again... 81F during my 9am bike ride? Something to note about tunnels... they're loud. The noise doesn’t have as many traveling options as a free, open area.

Well, my new savings account has already gotten $.04 interest, and it's only a tiny amount of seed money until next paycheck. Next deposit, my rate will jump a little bit, which can't hurt. Most of my funds landed in checking for bills and whatnot, until I decide how I want the sliding scale to go. I'm still waiting for the pay pal deposit to show up (probably won't appear until Monday...) so I can take care of a little treat or two.

I recently heard the "McDonalds Theory of War and Peace," which starts with the observation that no two countries that both have McDonalds have ever gone to war with each other. A middle class strong enough to support a McDonalds is presumably never going to support a war with an equally developed country. Note that Vietnam, Iraq, Cambodia and Somalia are all Big Mac-free zones.

Dave wants to get together at about 4... that's going to screw up my schedule. I probably won't be able to hang out with him today after all. (I was shooting for a morning to noonish sort of thing) I wanted to get some tunnel shots in the early evening. Dan's grading papers, and my bro's sleeping, so it looks like all of my available 2-legged friends are out of the hang-out option. I don't know if I'm going to go to the hobby store today... I might swing by B&N and pick up some books with my gift cards. The good one is only three miles from here. Yes, I think I'll do that. A cup of iced coffee and some fresh reading would be a lovely addition to my day.
My apartment smelled of freshly chopped onions and baking bread earlier... now it's nag champa.

Maybe going to swing by -
Discount Train & Hobby
211 E. Oakland Park Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334

tomorrow... look for more terrain and paints to play with…perhaps find a way to prevent the odd Newt-hair from landing on freshly painted stuff. I can Newt-proof... but his hair turns up in the darndest places. I'm hoping that they have some decent o-scale models and maybe some more mixable acrylic paints.

"Stupidity" author busted for trying to pick up teen girl online - "We can't be lovey-dovey in public," stupidity expert James F. Welles explained to his online friend. "Bottom line, I'm committing a crime." The author of "The Story of Stupidity and Understanding Stupidity" thought he was chatting with a 15-year-old girl, but it was actually a 40-year-old male detective at the keyboard. (Palm Beach Post)

Hm! Rachel's now a successful photographer and has been shown internationally. I'm delighted... she's quite a talent, and I'm sure she deserves the kudos. I still have some of her slides here...maybe I'll scan them in at work and post them here, if we still have the capacity. I haven't heard from her since '98ish. It looks like she's got a nice little life building with a guy / pet / home / marriage.
Doing the rounds this afternoon

Newt shook off his "parachute-bag" just before the piccie was taken. He was on a big tear around the house, with the crinkly-toy in tow. you can see it starting to float to the ground behind him.

You are walking down a cracked inner city sidewalk. It is morning, slowly warming into a sunny day. You look up and yonder along the cement you see someone walking toward you. You are surprised to have perceived someone so far away. But, you keep walking, expecting nothing more than a friendly nod as you pass. He gets closer. You see he has a slight limp and shuffling gait, though he seems to be moving quickly. He is closer--a torn and stained suit jacket with tattered pants and bare feet. Closer--a mottled green and purple face, and slightly yellowed skin pinched back along his cheekbones. You and he are fifty yards apart. You, and an undead mockery of what was once alive are twenty yards apart. You approach on the notably empty path, no traffic on the road to the side. You nod. He waves, a pinky finger hanging loosely from a broken knuckle, and passes.

Well, groovy. Got my new check card finally... now I just have to wait while paypal takes a day or three to deposit a little into my account,

Traffic's heavy tonight... I'll probably hold off on scoping out the haunted tunnel until Sunday, late. I wonder how the other spook-hunts are going this evening?

Someone's burning something made of a fragrant wood outside... the air smells nice. I hear a light rain just starting, too... or maybe it's just wind through the trees.

Taking a break, and kicking back. Tomorrow, my only duty is to do laundry...I'm going to try to get in by 10 and out of there by noon-ish.

Off to relax and chill. Nighters, dear journal.

"Veil" pieces made of Cellophane. I'll work more on this over the weekend, too.
Smacking crabs with a yo-yo is a good way to start the day. Froggy-fly eating is good too.

Friday, again. Was Halloween already over a week ago? Are the ACC expo and Thanksgiving really looming up ahead so soon? That Means that not so far away lies Christmas... the start of a new year, and my birthday. This year hasn't totally screamed by, but it is speeding along at a good clip right now. I'm still stunned that Newt's three, and that I've known my sweetheart for more than two... it seems like I've had them in my life for longer and shorter than that at the same time.

Newton J. Underfoot doesn't like frosted cheerios, but he'll happily scarf up the milk-dregs. He doesn't go for the Honey-nut afters, though. He's in "Trip Scotto Up" mode. Nearly knocked me off of my pins twice this morning.

More linkie-doodoo

Alex Toth has a personal site... interesting to see the guy responsible for the art of space ghost / herculoids / super friends talking about how he draws handwritten and scanned onto a web page.

Killer Squirrels on the loose. - Featuring Dr. Booty of Knutsford.

Zoological Bloopers and Practical Jokes. Strange Science is a great little page of missteps in the classification and illustration of exotic and extinct animals. It's hard to classify all the links; some are dinosaur goofs, some are just poor depictions of animals from the time before photographs. Most are fascinating. Folks thinking that elephant skulls were cyclops remains is an interesting observation. I didn't even know that there were ellies in the Mediterranean.

O.J. Simpson's bad driving habits and legal problems extend beyond the Earth. Eschewing a white Bronco for a speedboat, the ex-football star and acquitted murder suspect was on Wednesday--for a brief time, at least--a wanted man for terrorizing a bunch of manatees in the waters off the coast of Florida.

Cats wearing hats. No way would Newt put up with that for more than .00005 seconds.
I feel really drained after today's work. I'm not going to linger on the stupid stuff... politics, ever politics.

Good things -

Dexter Thursday, with special guest star Bailey!

Two badly lit pictures of them running in the hall. 800x600, so behind the cut they go...
devil dogs!
still more devil dogs!

Poor Bailey bonked his head running up and down that dingy hallway... they were neck in neck, and someone wasn't paying attention to where he was going. He's fine, but got scared for a moment.

I'm pleasantly surprised that my direct deposit might kick in next paycheck, rather than two pay-periods from now.

Ummm.... was there something else nice? *Reaching*

Oh! Free leftover Halloween candy, orange creamsicle slushies and baked potato from burger king. The potato is the best thing they could've added for me.

One of our work-associates is named Dick Pouch. Y'think he got made fun of much as a kid? I wonder how much strength and character he's gathered from such a mockable name.

Other wacky-named people I've worked with - Dick Knott & Geoff Glasscock.

Sky was very clear, and the weather dropped to 68 this evening. Quite a great temperature to bicycle in. I watched the temperature go from 72 this morning to about 79, and then down to 68 tonight. That's a big span!

Thinking of my sweetie in her leopard jammies, sleeping in my arms.

Sent off a $23 Check for my toy auction. I hope they come over soon.

As of this writing, the menstrualhut has 798 members, and is actively watched by over half that.

I heard that wheel of fortune is in Seattle this week, and Pat Sajak is still the host. I thought the show was cancelled! Shows how much I'm in touch with game shows these days... isn't there some sort of hidden-camera extreme x-games show that took the place of the traditional ones?

I think a hot shower and relaxation is due.

bonus news link- Hero of the day - Woman kills would-be rapist by extensive yanking on his thingee.
A gift! printable paper rulers!

According to haunted Fort Lauderdale...My Tunnel has a ghost... this weekend I'm going to go down the pedestrian walk area, and take some pictures. (That particular 'haunted Fort Lauderdale' guy is a little bit of a crackpot... lens flare does not equal ghostie, in my mind, anyhow)

the tunnel

It's odd... I seem to keep a light balance between who links and unlinks me. I'm about at -3 from sept 01. I'm dead even if you don't count folks that have deleted themselves. Interesting to see who comes and goes on a history list.
A day full of uses of the poo wand for my sweetie and me but had a nice time, despite the tech-struggles... perhaps even because of them.

I've determined that my tools at work are woefully inadequate, at least for me. Corel photo paint and Corel draw 8 not only aren't cross compatible, but they both are dung-filled doughnuts of despair as far as tools go.

Give me Photoshop, Photopaint, or the GIMP any day over the Corel nightmare. I've sent the files to work with home, but I think instead I'll work on them with proper tools tomorrow... I'm going to install the gimp only element remaining is to make a decent banner graphic. (It’s actually going to be the background, but it'll be at the top of each page, all banner-like.

The scent of synthetic ambergris is on my mind and in my mental directory.

A good hump day. Tomorrow, she is Thursday, yes?

Three great words/phrases of power.

  1. Please

  2. Thank you

  3. I'm sorry.

If I hear people use any of those with sincerity, my brain clicks into uber-helper/friendly mode. I like to think that I'm normally pretty nice, anyhow... but those are the magic words. Watch me jump to action.

wow! The piggie amendment made the cruel site of the day! The ban passed, by the way.

Koko's got a CD coming out? Didn't they know about apple nipple hungry?

I want just Black Manta and the Sub. Aquaman... I wonder who I could give him to? I'd like to trade him for Will Magnus. Is it me, or does Lead (Who should have a Pb as his logo) look a little sissified? Everyone else seems true to form. This Manta is pretty cool, too.

It is really beautiful weather-wise outside. Maybe 72 degrees? Just downright nice.
I dreamt last night that I ran a turtle-powered farm/ mill/ bakery. They were used as *very slow*, but strong beasts of burden... pulling plows and carts full of some sort of grain. There was a large geodesic dome storage area, and a water wheel powered millhouse by a fresh water river full of well-rounded stones along with a "petting zoo" area where folks could feed the off-duty turtles apples right off of the tree. The bread we made was a very good seller... we couldn't keep it in stock. The "secret ingredient" was sea salt, and apparently it made all the difference in the world. Apparently the Amish thought we were especially good, and wanted to trade all sorts of quilts and furniture for our wares, too. I don't recall if we used Amish milk in the production. We did have juice there too.. but I don't know if it was made on site or brought in. (I figure a cider mill would work with the waterwheel, and apple tree but I don't recall in the dream.)

Of course, I had to do a search for turtle bread, and found this bread machine recipe... sounds pretty darn good, actually. It's been a little while since I've made my own bread. I may try it later on down the line, but it sounds pretty hefty... a slice of bread that has more calories than a can of soda! I've not used sucanat in cooking before... I imagine splenda might be an alternative? This calls for more research, later.

Turtle Bread
1 1/3 cups water
13 vegan caramels, unwrapped
3 1/2 cups flour
3 tablespoons dry, powdered soy or rice milk
2 tablespoons sucanat
1 teaspoon salt
1 3/4 teaspoons bread machine yeast
1/3 cup vegan chocolate chips
2/3 cup coarsely chopped pecans

Place all ingredients except the chocolate chips and pecans into the bread machine pan in the order recommended by the manufacturer. Select the sweet or basic/white cycle. Use medium or light crust color. Do not use the delay cycle. Add the chocolate chips and pecans at the beep signal or 5 minutes before the last kneading cycle ends. Cool on a wire rack. Makes a two pound loaf (16 slices).

Per slice: 195 calories 5 grams fat

From the grab bag -

a treasury of macramé owls My brother and I both got macramé owls as kids from Sally Brunot. We were quite young, and thought that they were cool as all get out. Come to think of it, Over at Sally and Bill's House, I encountered my first copy of playboy. My Brother's owl looked a bit like the leftmost one on page five, and mine looked like the leftmost one on page seven.

Speaking of pretend animals... these *non-taxidermy* mock-animals are awesome. (the other stuff on the site is also quite good)

New Kitty Cartoon... Outtatheway - The vines That Tabby needs an orthodontist. Featuring a little Newtie mosh-action.

Italics are some of the ones I really like

Scotto is truly one of our greatest sopranos
Scotto is the moderator of the gravity
Scotto is likely to wear something like an alligator
Scotto is currently beginning a study of female Russian pop and rock singers who are popular among Russian teenage girls
Scotto is stressed
Scotto is one of the most interesting artists of the Neapolitan new wave
Scotto is guest researcher at the berghof centre
Scotto is the last of the mad
Scotto is an assistant professor of theory at the Eastman school of music
Scotto is making great good sense
Scotto is one of the counselors that is a part of Lagrange College’s counseling center
Scotto is Christopher Columbus
Scotto is a trustee
Scotto is "justifiably famous"
Scotto is a pet peeve of mine
Scotto is a cal poly alumnus
Scotto is often the target of raised eyebrows
Scotto is owned and operated by the Scotto family
Scotto is an industry veteran with over twenty years of experience in software development and data storage management
Scotto is famous
Scotto is increasingly active
Scotto is first and foremost a man of the theatre
Scotto is more sensitive as desdemona than ricciarelli
Scotto is the list moderator
Scotto is feeling
Scotto is a local business owner and has been a volunteer field coordinator for the Torrance unified school district since 1983
Scotto is a remarkable artist
Scotto is a wonderful liu
Scotto is amazingly strong
Scotto is an inspired butterfly
Scotto is moving her noncredit class in striptease to a Northampton studio
Scotto is reported to be considering a run for staten
Scotto is at 79 Madison Avenue near 28th street
Scotto is deceptively beautiful
Scotto is losing control
Scotto is a fine heroine in this work
Scotto is breathtaking
Scotto is on both the maazel version and the lp reissue of the barbirolli/emi set
Scotto is a floppy
Scotto is enrolled in the naeric incentive program
Scotto is worth further exploration
Scotto is the director of cpc behavioral healthcare’s "programs for assertive community treatment"
Scotto is writing that part
Scotto is planning on teaching it again
Scotto is opera i am compelled to respond to the absurdly hostile review from Robert Levine
Scotto is one out of thousands analyst on Wall Street
Scotto is stoically drinking a coke
Scotto is uniquely suited for the job
Scotto is something of a rarity available usually in privately duped copies
Scotto is a leading electric utility analyst and senior managing director of bear
Scotto is convinced that rival big al marracottaa five
Scotto is approximately thirty years old and inexperienced in matters involving OSHA citations
Scotto is looking for more playtesters for his recent games
Scotto is back
Scotto is equally riveting

Scotto is gone

The Pain, Oh the Pain! - The one and only Dr. Zachary Smith, veteran actor Jonathan Harris, has passed away, three days shy of his 88th birthday

Dr. Smith is dead. He had a good run.

Jonathan Harris

11/06/1914 - 11/03/2002

Pokey, the Three-Legged Bear is dead, too.

This is so very wrong. Talk Dirty with Mr Rogers.
sleepy day....

Today’s been a sleepy, relaxing day. I've spent much of the day in a calm place, and taking it easy... as has my gluttonous protégé, Mr. Newtie McTreatEater. We've been flung all over the house in assorted comfortable poses, and just sort of lollygagging about, reading, napping, burning incense, wrestling with each other in a slackerly fashion and watching the occasional Spongebob cartoon...I'm having trouble figuring out the recorder fingering for the Spongebob theme... I may have to look up the sheet music for it, rather than playing it by ear. A complete slackerboy Saturday... I’ve needed something like this for a little while now. I'm bemused by the idea of the undersea creatures having a snowball fight.

Just popped into my head - I'd like some taco bell right now, and the phrase "wreak terrible vengeance" is a good one, as well as the variant "a terrible justice has been done"

I dig these groovy CD-R's... they look like 45s!


His fuzzy orange hinder is weighing down the futon down... :)

TOPPS Trading Cards including the brilliant Mars Attacks, as well as Batman, Frankenstein, and Ugly Stickers from 1965. From The Norman Saunders Site. "...a reference guide that documents the entire published works of Norman Saunders."

You Got Me Into This. From The West: Old Paintings created to be the Covers of Pulp Fiction Magazines. "...The pulp paintings of the 1930s-40s astound the senses with visions of gun smoke, brawny cowboys and beautiful heroines - frozen in moments of maximum impact, guns exploding or a terrified damsel on horseback."

wondering where my little brother is. hm.

I'm reading a book by C.S. Lewis - Mere Christianity. Superb. I would recommend this book to anyone wanting a good, non-predatory evangelical insight about the faith. The reading can be heady, but well worth some of the thinking required.

As I mentioned earlier, here's me lost in a cave, and some cave-drawings. It's an elephant, but the shaman-guy is wearing elk-antlers.

Me lost in the forgotten caves of my tribe.A picture found on the wall.

I wonder lately if I escape being called sir because I've got long hair. If I got a wiffle-cut (no, I'm not planning on it) tomorrow... would suddenly, most strangers call me 'sir'? Right now, most often, I'm referred to without title... "Excuse me" or "May I help you" or "Yes/No"... and I'm sort of glad of that. I've seen folks use the term, and it appears sort of weird.

I do get called mister occasionally, when a little kid wants to ask me something. I like that I'm approachable by kids.

Speaking of which, the almond joys are officially gone. My trick or treating brother assisted in my consumption of mass quantities over the last week.

It’s too late in the night to make a hot supper... I think a bowl of cheerios will do the trick. I just realized... I didn't eat lunch today! Dang... how did that happen? I'm not that hungry, probably because I drank about a gallon and a half of water from the cooler over the course of today. I've only had cereal today... breakfast and supper. Well, that works. I'll have some real food tomorrow though. Just reflecting on not having had any makes me hungrier.

Before I hit the sack, a fun link... bcdb: it's an imdb just for cartoons!

Cool singing horses. Safe for work, but it's got sound.

Coca Cola is releasing a Yoo-Hoo-like substance called Choglit.... possibly the dopiest name for a drink this decade. Looks dangerously similar to a Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper can. Careful mixing them up!

Put my votes in all nice and neat-like. I'm actually more enthusiastic about the amendments than the candidates. a lot of negative campaigning has been going on the TV lately, and I'll be happy to see those commercials brought to an end. A pleasant surprise is that I seem to have gotten less political junk mail this year. Maryland has a neato-named Governor candidate (though he won't win, because he's a libertarian, rather than the 'big two') SPEAR LANCASTER. He sounds like a cool private eye, or an angry white savage, raised by a lost tribe of javelin-throwing natives. Spear. That's an odd name... a weapon. I'd heard of Dirk, Lance, Glaive, Pike and Mace.... am I forgetting any? I can't say as I know anyone named Halberd, Flail or Quarrel... I suppose Gun names don't really count, because they're generally named for a person, not the other way around. Smith & Wesson... Is Colt named for a person, or just a horse?

"What's green, has eight legs, and would kill you if it dropped on you from out of a tree?"

"A pool table!"

Nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk!

Newt was fairly vocal this morning...not sure what set him off, but he was willing to carry on a conversation for a little while. "Mer!" "What's that?" "Mer!" "Are you sure?" "Mer!" "The Blue one?" "Mer! Mer!" "Ok... what about the monkeys?".. with that, Newt just cuddled back with in bed... I may never know the answer to the Monkey question. I've worn him out this morning. He's now purring peacefully atop monitor two as I type this... he's more fond of the screens, as they're warmer than the futon, and he can play with me more easily when in front of me, rather than behind.
playing - before - aiee! 3-d!
sleepy - after
I should pick up a new web cam. This one’s output is pretty dang fuzzy.

I'm still not terribly hungry, even after yesterday's semi-fast. I wouldn't mind some waffles, though...maybe I'll treat myself to something tasty at lunch. I'm not sure who'd deliver waffles, but IHOP would be nice about now. I could really go for one of my sweetie's apples in the bowl on her desk, too.