Ow... ow ow ow ow ow...
no no no no no..
not for the squeamish. I mean it. Really.
*stomps around the house, going *ow ow ow ow ow*
found via maus
Went to All Books and Records with the bro... he got the spider-man ps2 game for a song (direct trade for street fighter 3....) and I got a copy of The Big Book of the Weird Wild West... he had things to do today, so we parted company there, and I went on to Past Present Future. Sadly, they had no copies of UA2 left in stock, but they'll hold one and call me when it comes in. I did get gifties for the office however...The Essential Spider-Man, Volume 1, The Essential Fantastic Four Volume 1, Essential Hulk, and Essential Dr. Strange. That should keep Kevin, Karen, and myself busy for a while during the slow-compile, data-crunching times. I added a couple of those to my wish list, too...just so I can remember to order myself the Howard the duck collection. Waugh! Next time I send off a goodie bag, I'm going to get a few of the used things for myself. (No point in paying $4 shipping for a $4.50 book.)
Here's the trip I took today...not bad... about 13 miles round trip(with shortcuts and bus travel not counting). a healthy haul (mind you, I had a nice shopping breather twice in between. It was a nice enough day that I didn't take the bike too far on the bus... but it was nice to know that the option was there if I'd tuckered out. Needless to say, I did shortcut through the park on the way home, so you can shave about a mile off there. I'm bone tired now, but feel good after having had a nice shower.
A Picture of a squirrel from Holiday Park. He was drinking from a puddle, and I barely had time to catch him. I'm happy that I snapped him in motion!
The ride was *much* more pleasant on the way back... it was cooling off, instead of the noon-oven. *Worn out*
nap time for an hour... looking forward to sweetie-time tonight.
Misc drawings and piccies from today, and last night.
a lot! you've been warned. mouse over the pictures for minor commentary.