Took the long route home, by water bus. Stopped off at the pet store, and got Newtie a little present of fresh cat grass seed, and a fountain soda for myself (a root beer with vanilla ice cream float at the used bookstore, to be precise.)
There was a tour group on the water bus, so the captain gave some guide talk... I didn't realize that in the 30s they made the first three Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan flicks just up the street from my house in an (at the time) undeveloped area of the New River. Also saw Jay Leno's tourist place, and Lee Majors's home. Funny, I've never seen the actors when out and about. (I did see James Coburn, once, though, a few years back.)
It was fairly overcast and cool today, but not so much that I'd call it brisk.
The Bus stop where it picks up, on the river walk. That Pink Bridge is Andrews Ave.
I can't express how huge this thing looked in person. I can say that it has an elevator inside, though.
The water was like glass... I think we were the only ones creating any wake.
Weird Cartoon-face Graffito in the ally by the bookstore.
And Another, very probably by the same artist, near the pet shop.
Pretty neat view from "the bus". The ride's free with my monthly metro pass. Maybe I'll see what an outing at night looks like.
Newt's toy was a tiger-striped banana of fabric with yarn eyes sewn on, and filled with some sort of Nip. He's digging it.
I got a nice compliment from the Gray Pumpkin yesterday about my perspective on things being a draw to my journal.
Old Palm Doodles - I really should go back to scribbling more.
Free Band Names - There are some good ones. I particularly like -
Diet coke with Lime... love the taste of citrus, and diet coke is yummy, but if it's anything like diet coke with lemon, I'll pass.
Current shower song... I sang it in a deep baritone this morning. I fear I may continue singing it as I walk the curb. It's a good tune to bellow in full hair-down, scary monster mode.
The Sinister Ducks - March of the Sinister Ducks - MP3 ~3meg
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Soft downy feathers and nice little wings.
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
But there's a poison I'd like to administer,
You think they're cuddly but I think they're sinister.
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
What are they doing at night in the park?
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Think of them waddling about in the dark.
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Sneering and whispering and stealing your cars,
Reading pornography, smoking cigars.
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Nasty and small undeserving of life.
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
They smirk at your hairstyle and sleep with your wife.
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Dressed in black jackets and horrible shoes,
Getting divorces and turning to booze.
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Forcing old ladies to throw them some bread.
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Who could deny they'd be better off dead?
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Look closer and you may recoil in surprise,
At web-footed fascists with mad little eyes.
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
Ducks, Ducks! Quack, Quack! Quack, Quack!
If they haven't done anything wrong, people wouldn't keep shooting them!
found via -

You are an orange cat, fierce, unpredictable, and a
little mean sometimes. You've got lots of
masculine energy and woah, I wouldn't want to
be in your way if I got you angry!
What color of cat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Praise Cheesus I don't care if the whole world freezes, as long as I've got my Cheddar Cheesus(tm). Cheesus Industries - International distributor of high quality religious-themed dairy products and snacks.