Thursday, May 01, 2003
In Bavaria May 1 is an especially important day for it is "Unsere Liebe Frau als Schutzfrau Bayerns" (Our Dear Lady as Patron Saint of Bavaria) also called the "Fest Patrona Bavariae". Festivals there have a special Bavarian flavor.

In Bavarian villages, it has been the custom for centuries to cut a tall and straight tree, a day or two before May 1, place it in the middle of the village and decorate it with a wreath of spring flowers and colorful ribbons. One of the traditions is to attempt to steal the Maypole of the neighboring village on the night before, and to hold it for ransom, usually a couple kegs of beer. At the same time villagers had to make sure that their neighbors did not steal their maypole.

Another Bavarian tradition is the Maibaumkraxeln (Maypole climbing) contest. In many parts of Bavaria guys battle to see who can climb up the shaven and polished tree trunk the fastest, a task made even tougher by soaping down the Maypole, so that climbers only have a good shot if they smear ashes, tree sap or pitch on their hands. The goal is to win the Brezeln und Würste (pretzels and sausages) that hang atop the pole, and to impress the girls down in the crowd. Beginners climb carefully, gradually and in spurts. Veterans will grab a hold of the tree between hands and feet and climb right up. These trees are about 45 feet high, without branches or bark, and slick as a grease pan!

Maiwein (May Wine) is a German drink, dedicated to springtime and flavored with fresh Waldmeister (sweet woodruff). Maiwein, a white wine, imported from Germany, can be found in stores. Waldmeister is an old-world herb, a small plant with white blossoms. In Germany it grows in the forests. However, the variety that grows wild here is not usable for flavoring. This decorative plant may be grown in a shady corner of an herb garden. It should be used for flavoring only in May when the new leaves are tender. Cut up and soaked in the wine it will produce the distinctive May Wine taste.

You can make your own Maiwein by using a good white wine and flavoring it with woodruff. For a Maibowle (May punch) you can add carbonated water or champagne. The following recipe is from "Joy of Cooking" by Rombauer and Becker

Place in a bowl:
12 sprigs young waldmeister
1 1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 bottle Moselle or other dry white wine
(1 cup brandy)

Cover the mixture for 30 minutes, no longer. Remove the waldmeister. Stir contents of bowl thoroughly and pour over a block of ice in a punch bowl. Add:
3 bottles Moselle
1 quart carbonated water or champagne
Thinly sliced oranges, sticks of pineapple and, most appropriately, sprigs of waldmeister, may be used to decorate the "Maitrank."

Also -

I dropped in rank! I'm now no longer in the top 20 LJs. (I am in the top 21)
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Moderate
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very High
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

I am Ned Flanders!
Which Simpsons Character are YOU?

The boobah zone. - Mucho fun, if you're on some form of medication.

6:29 am trying the later launch...the extra 30 of sleep is a good thing, i know that. Up a bit later tonight because of D and Ciara's birthday party at the fibber island annex (Polly gone mad)

6:48 am this is the crunch time- to get there by 7. I'm assured that it is, though I'll be more comfortable once confirmed.

7:01 am made it, just enough time to buy a ticket and hop on. Contact HR about the discount program. Also, pick up shampoo, TP and petty cash on the way home. This week, get another pair of pants, 2 pr. Socks,2 shirts, underwear. Dreamt last night of losing a tooth... All that was left shaped like a moth's. Wing made of enamel. It was sore but not painful.

7:53 am in with time to spare, even though the cab from the train station didn't take plastic, so we had to side track to a nearby ATM. Brett and Jeff both came in shortly after me.... good to see early starters!

12:17 pm at the hospital. I tripped over a power cord, landed on my left knee, and managed to further knock my back out of whack.

12:42 pm just had a fit of hysteria from being strapped down for the last 2 hours. My nose is now full of mucus, and i can't get any tissues. I hate this. I want out now. At least my arms are free, but i still feel trapped here.

2:05 pm out of radiology... Unstrapped at last. Waiting now for what i assume is a shot of an anti-inflammatory.

2:17 pm no shot? Just a prescription for vicodin and a referral to another doctor. Good grief. The referral is for a Delray doctor...I'm also not to report back to work until Monday. I need to Call Donna (xt 102?) re: workman's comp docs

4:04 pm waited about 2 hours for a cab to the tri-rail... Gave up, went to the bus stop, and got ride there in under 5 minutes. Lesson learned? F yellow cab in Delray Beach and hooray for palm tran.

4:28 pm boo for tri-rail's 20-minute tardy train and ticket machine that can neither read my visa card, and gives 17.25 in change back to me in Susan b Anthony dollars.

4:39 pm "boarding in approximately 10 minutes "

4:51 pm aboard. Hm. Days like this (Years like this) make me disbelieve in a "non- reincarnation" one-life karma. I will admit that 2000-now has been mostly great. January 2003-now has been mostly poor save for a few delightful bright spots. I foresee more good than bad in the year to come. A new job, some new friends, and good thoughts are there.

6:04 home! Cute kids on the train... entertaining teens on the way home from school. I found out the mystery package is a returned Christmas box I sent mid-December. I wonder now if all the Valentine’s Day prezzies made it?

Additional casualties of today's fall down. I'm missing my left shoe and sock, and the ambulance guys had to cut up my left pant leg. I'm glad I'm wearing boxers.
6:12 am
it looks like i can catch the 625 55 in, and take the 650 22 to tri-rail.

That'll save me 25 minutes in the morning. I'll try it tomorrow.

This morning i help out in production (getting it more accurate and automated.) and then I dig into my new desk... Make sure all the tools i need to get installed and accessible.

Brought an ancient copy of mm with... No zip4ing, but other functionality couldn't hurt.

Note to bring access books for Nadia

6:58 am did they just say train is going to be late?

6:59 nope

3:58 pm altiris client service winky, bring in macro recorder tomorrow to help folk reduce errors.

5:32 pm train soon. I'm very tired, missed lunch today. First meal should be taken sooner than 12 hours after waking

5:37 pm actually headed south at a decent hour. Back's still a bit pinched- anti-inflammatory doesn't seem to be helping much. Got a combination of moods lately... Despair, anger, relief, concern, good fortune, amazement, kind... "I've change my hairstyle, so many times now, I don't know what I look like..."

6:30 - in the door.

Saw MRE on the train this morning.. he seemed the same. His news was that he thinks that the Finn will quit soon, because she hates it there. I was surprised to see him talking smack about the Finn, though.

I doubt that'll happen... I think odds of Chupa quitting to go to work for the main office are better. I should start a pool.

MRE hated it that I pointed out if Kev quit tomorrow, they'd sink, no questions asked. He replied "well, if me and Riker both quit..." He didn't get the point that he was redundant. Kevin is really the only thing holding OPs together... Sappho and Island boy would just leave if any real nonsense caused Kev to stop coming in.

I'm hitting the sack. Early rising again. Night, dear journal.

Don't forget! Wednesday is free Ice cream day at participating Baskin Robbins!

Make sure one is participating!
Have you ever turned down a free sticker?

6:04 am I’m on early morning duty at the bus stop... I think that I’ll be able to grab a later one and still make the 7am train.

if i can negotiate starting a half hour later (and leaving a half hour later) i can save a lot of travel time. I'll ask after I’ve plotted some other routes an deduced the best

6:20 am just before sunrise-cobalt blue sky-hint of rain watching the city wake up a la- dandelion wine

6:26 am distraction caused momentary surge of panic due to loss of bearings and neighborhood looking differently at twilight.

7:02 am
I’m craving a newt-rassle and a bed nest.

7:22 am
2 of the most boring people on my left ... Had a brief "what if they are going to JKG? What if they are on my crew? Could I manage people that are gray drones? "

I’m confident that my people will be cool. What will I encounter?

5:28 pm well, I’ll keep taking the 7am train in, and arrange to head out earlier.

Work was pleasant... Josh (head of the warehouse / fulfillment) is a nice guy, from near the old neighborhood up north - still has a Brockton/jersey accent.

Nadia is very nice, and seems happy to have me aboard as her leader.

Brett was out today because he's a Jehovah’s Witness pastor.

Brad left early or doesn’t stay until 5... I'll know more tomorrow.

5:44 pm Train is 30 min late...still waiting.

I need to remember to bring copies of mysql, vb, and lappie tomorrow

6:20 pm train arrival

7:20 arrived home

Tweaked my back a bit today. Started feeling it about 2pm. Mark took me out to lunch at sals (where I dined with ldy and penguinboi), and the pizza was good.

A parcel came in the mail today, but wasn't left for me. I signaled the postman to bring it by again on Saturday... I wonder what it is? I'm not expecting anything.

Unknown packages... I'll hope for the best.
Want to join me Wednesday for a scoop of ice cream? It's Free.

Would Wolverine really eat a "Berry Rampage sundae?" I admit, the others sound tasty.

Though promoting Halle Berry with Oreo cookies is pretty funny in my not so politically correct opinion... I think it'd be appropriate to rename them Ororo-cookies.

Tomorrow is my First Real work day at JKG... get to be up bright and extra early, just to make sure no tardy-whoopsies happen. I will have it timed perfectly by the end of the week.

The CD that Danny got me is quite nice. I don't know if I'd call it "new age". It's a good length for a music album, 50 min.

The Mint's changing the nickel to remove Monticello and add instead a commemoration of Lewis & Clark / Louisiana Purchase. I wonder why they chose that one again, considering that they already did the Sacagawea dollar. I guess because Jefferson was a big supporter of L&C?

Random Mint info - The Secretary of the Treasury is allowed to change the appearance of a coin once every 25 years without congressional approval. (Get congressional approval, and you can do it as much as they allow)

A little light headed yesterday, and the feeling has returned today. Maybe the different dosage / new medication?

When I checked my CD/DVD this morning (to play that music) W2k said it was gone. I rebooted a few times, to no avail.. Something happened to the driver. I reinstalled it and everything seems fine now :)

Sakes, what would I do without that device? Really the only way I install software...I can't recall off the top of my head last time I used the floppy at home.

Plus, I need the cd as a key for most of my games. I suppose that I could download the CD-keys, if something happened.

There's also the thing about watching a DVD on monitor #2 while your working on a programming project in monitor #1... I wonder how Tron 2.0 is coming along? Whoops, that's a video game. I was looking for Tron Killer App, but maybe it's stillborn?

Skipping the seafood fest, because of rain.

From ananova - Teeth from corpses being sold as new dentures

Teeth from corpses being sold as new dentures

Police in Paraguay have uncovered a scheme in which teeth stolen from dead bodies are being sold as new dentures.

Thieves raided cemeteries to steal the teeth, which they then sold on illegally to dental laboratories.

Dentists in the Assuncion area were buying the teeth, thinking they were laboratory made, and fitting them in patients' mouths.

The local government has issued a warning to dentists and dental patients to make them aware of the fraud.

Newspaper Ultima Hora warned readers: "Be careful! A good tooth that your dentist may try to implant on you could come from a dead person!"

Aureliano Escobar, manager of Del Este cemetery, said he had made more than 400 complaints to the police in the last few months. Now cemeteries all over the city want more police guarding their grounds.

A local government spokesman said: "It is a very alarming situation and we are looking into it. Meanwhile everyone should be careful when dealing with teeth they think come from labs.

"I say to those robbers, leave the dead alone."

Story filed: 14:15 Friday 25th April 2003

While researching zolotnik, I discovered; a wonderful resource for measurement info.

Thanks for the research tree, !

Ugh, brother woke me up from deep sleep nap. I was in the deepest depths, and he must've knocked a great number of times before my ears registered someone was at the door.

I'm still trying to shake off the effects of being yanked out of that slumber...trying to get the pieces of my brain to defog.

reminded me that the seafood fest is this weekend.

Conch Fritters!

Had a nice Day with Danny today. He came over, I showed him There, then had a spot of lunch near my house,(He had eel, from the sushi house, and I had veggie max form blimpies, as we people watched the Fort Lauderdalians...(Is that the plural?) for a while before driving up to pompano with the intent of loking for a DVD for Janet's buddy Dick's 61st birthday, and just hanging out and talking.

I gave Dan his Sumo-micropet, and a centepede-woman rubber toy... he got me a pair or swell t-shirts and a CD of Celtic music form the area he was visiting in NC. one of the shirts has a great image of a tree atop a man's head and the root system as his beard, and another with a history of backpacks. Classic Scotto colors, sort of a faded brown and earthy green.

All in all a good day, save for the crashing smashing of my nap.

I'm going to complete today's festivities by ordering some delicious takeout. from where, I know not, yet.[update= settled on downtown pizzeria.. they deliver until 4am, so I can call whenever I get hungry]
8:51 am
Waiting in the doctor's office this morning... Get to ask about Aetna, back, cpap, skin sensitivity

Disco duck on muzak... Really

Too loud this morning, muzak at about 4 levels too high along with TV in lobby

Battery at 66%-charger not on?

Had to review new HIPAA privacy rules & sign them before treatment.
(PHI) I had to do the same at Eckerd’s yesterday, too

10:14 am
got 5 anti-inflammatory shots, worked fairly.
going to try a TENS unit,
have 4 scrip-
zanaflex 4mg(muscle spasms)
ultracet (pain)
neurontin 300 mg
celebrex 200 mg

Going to pharmacy now.

11:15 am
There are a gazillion jet-black grasshoppers with a yellow stripe running down the back outside. must be mating season! (add link when home)

I also picked up a micro-pet - yuk

Hm, I just discovered that Yuk was retired before Christmas of 2002.... I wonder how long the little guy was sitting in Eckerd’s storage? I'm tempted to go back there and pick up a few more to try and sell on ebay.

nah, not worth it, upon research. They're going for just about $6 there, plus shipping.

ooh... a local guy doing the Nigerian email scam.

eblots - someone using the palm to make home-grown internet therapy. I wish I'd thought of making the page.. I tired the same thing in my journal a few years back.

Anagram Anything Scottobear = reboot cats (look out, newt!)

Find out what your phone number spells.
Sam Brown's Drawings send him a title, and he'll draw it

How to do stuff / More how to Do stuff

How stuff works

see what folks are searching for on Metacrawler, Lycos, Google and Yahoo.


You are where you live how junk mailers view you.

My region is - Fort Lauderdale 33301's most common PRIZM Clusters are:

8 Young Literati I'm somwhere
10 Bohemian Mix between these
13 Gray Power
46 Hispanic Mix
47 Inner Cities

33301's most common MicroVision Segments are:
Number Name
12 A Good Step Forward *closeset*
4 Mid-Life Success
8 Movers And Shakers
15 Great Beginnings
45 Struggling Metro Mix

Hey, they claim to have caught a chupacabra?

Hmm... looks like a cat to me.

Had a dream last night that I was required to get an enema as part of some sort of physical. The nurses were very matter-of-fact about it, though I really had (and have) no interest in getting one. I finally left when one of them said "It's not bad at, I'll show you on another nurse first." The physical was taking place at my old 1-bedroom apartment in pompano, but I left rather than kick out all the medical staff.

Maybe that's my mind's way of reminding me that I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning at 9? I don't imagine an enema is on the list of evaluative procedures.

geoblog is interesting... I have it semi-set up, now it's just a matter of time before the implementation of autopinging is made to work.
Argh. Eckerd drugs fubared again. I'm done with them.

2 hours of waiting, then they tell me it's $40 rather than the expected $25 (which should have only been $10) I go to the doctor on Thursday, so I'll get her to call the place up then, and iron it out.

I was going to rant about it, but I've not got the wind.

Had a very vivid dream that I was a kid of about 12 years old, and some guy was orchestrating some sort of day care or group project with more children at my old house on Longmeadow circle. The guy in charge was going to make us all go on some sort of week long trip into the woods, and had planned to give us drugs for each day... ones that we weren't supposed to tell our parents about. (I have no idea where my parents were). I took it upon myself to assume that it was a bad idea to do so, and hid my pills in a Ziploc baggie under my pillow... while doing that, I glanced, saw Newton outside, and panicked. I dove through the sliding glass door, scooped him up, and went into the other room to complain to the authority figure about letting the cat out... he went on to yell at the group of kids there about it, but I wasn't satisfied, because he was in the Florida room with the door wide open, and I thought that he was responsible for Newt almost being lost. My temper flared very high and I began yelling at the guy, slamming the flat of my hand against the counter...I was just getting into it when my brother knocked on my door and woke me up.


Switzerland -
A neutral power for as long as most can remember,
it has avoided war for several centuries.
However, it is still considered highly advanced
and a global power.





Powerful without Force.

Makes Excellent Watches, Etc.


Target of Ridicule.

Constant Struggle to Avoid Conflict.

Target of Criminal Bank Accounts.

Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Note to self, give number to Dale-
954 717 3559 Carl Minott
data global company $14 running reports, access, mail merge. In Fort Lauderdale

Had a nice gabby-gab with the there-crew on yahoo after there itself took a nosedive into the dumper last night. Whims was very appreciative of baby-Newt pictures on the homepage. Pooch sitting Vincent and Speak for D while on b-day vacation at the 'rents. I hope she has a happy time there, and makes it back to home base safely.

via : the new hulk trailer

Battle Imp

Who's your battle imp?

Backstabbing: 4

Dodgin': 7

Guts: 9

Magic Mojo: 9

Smackdown: 8

Will your battle imp beat Scotto's?
Enter your name and fight.

His current scores
Interesting... my journal is in the lj top 40. (according to Google's page-ranking methods) found here. I don't know if that's good, bad, or neither.

a few neat things on lately.

Can't seem to get to sleep... things weighing on my mind, both good and bad. ah well, I guess that's what my books are for.. Escape, and a natural tranquilizer.

Positives, The There-crew, esp. DN. The Golden Egg trophy by the way is very pretty, and will look stunning on the mantle at the lighthouse.

The B-Movie That Suits Me Is:

Robot Monster: Although Blood Feast might deserve this title better, Robot Monster is known as the king of crappy movies. Unlike Blood Feast, this movie played in major theatres. One of the writers took it so seriously that when the movie got much deserved bad reviews, he attempted suicide. In his mind it was art.

Find out which b-movie suits you.

I Am The 3rd Party:

The Natural Law Party: You're a strange one, that’s for sure. Calling yourself the party based on science, your most interesting claim to fame is a heavy reliance on yoga in your national policy. Ignoring your kooky side, you sometimes make a lot of sense. And your leader is probably the smartest candidate out there. Too bad he's crazy.

Find out what 3rd party you are!

Book Worm Meter for Scotto

Shut In 71%
29% Out Of The House
Intellectual 77%
23% Moron
High Attention Span 95%
5% Low Attention Span
Bookitude 70%
30% Book Burner
Book Worm 78.25%
21.75% Bug Stomper
Take your bookworm readings.

By the way, book burning doesn't bother me, as long as the book is still in print, available elsewhere, and the ones aflame were purchased properly. Bad attitude? Maybe. I chalk it up with flag burning... freedom of expression, though incredibly stupid.

My Favorite Female Part Is:

The Face: Sweet and angelic...

except when she yells at me...

Find out your favorite female body part!

My Romance Meter

Optimist 80%
20% Cynic
Close 95%
5% Distant
Long Term 69%
31% Brief
What does my romance meter read?

I Am The Sex Toy:

Hi-Tech Masterpiece: Some say that I was developed in a top secret lab while others say I was developed by aliens for my probing capabilities, but only I know the truth! My mission here on earth is to launch a full out assault on your genitals with my spinning beads, vibrations, and clitoris teaser. My LCD screen keeps you informed, but only with information I want you to have! Mwua-ha-ha!

Find out what sex toy you are.

ad my entry hit with a spambot, so I've edited it and am posting the information here for future reference. I'm also reporting it to abuse at the ISP level. 5.5 megs of spam in 3 minutes warrants that.

As a result, I'll screenning any anonymous comments now, at least for a bit.

All hits came from isp, between 11:30 and 11:33 EST.

OrgName: Road Runner
Address: 13241 Woodland Park Road
City: Herndon
StateProv: VA
PostalCode: 20171
Country: US

NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-24-92-160-0-1
Parent: NET-24-0-0-0-0
NetType: Direct Allocation
NameServer: DNS1.RR.COM
NameServer: DNS2.RR.COM
NameServer: DNS3.RR.COM
NameServer: DNS4.RR.COM
Updated: 2002-08-22

TechHandle: ZS30-ARIN
TechName: ServiceCo LLC
TechPhone: +1-703-345-3416

OrgTechHandle: IPTEC-ARIN
OrgTechName: IP Tech
OrgTechPhone: +1-703-345-3416

OrgAbuseHandle: ABUSE10-ARIN
OrgAbuseName: Abuse
OrgAbusePhone: +1-703-345-3416

interesting lj configurations, and a nifty dork link.

only syndicated feeds

only communities

only users (non communities or syns)

you can mix, or do it with your own friends list too.

From the site -
This site is intended to allow science fiction fans to get an impression of the true scale of their favorite science fiction spacecraft by being able to compare ships across genres, as well as being able to compare them with contemporary objects with which they are probably familiar. The scales are based on meter-to-pixel ratios so that they are accurate on any platform. The background grid is divided into groups of ten, and larger groups of one hundred pixels, to allow for easy measurement. This site is only intended to compare the actual physical dimensions of the starships herein, and makes no claims as to any other aspect of these ships (firepower, speed, etc). Each of these genres is worthy of respect in its own right and no preference is given to any one genre. If you are interested in a certain vessel/being, I encourage you to view to film or read the books in which they originally appeared in all their glory. In time, I will provide the source information with each vessel to make it easier to find these sources.

The charts are intended to be interactive such that Internet explorer users may click and drag the starships within the charts to arrange them in whichever way they please. I am working on incorporating the same feature for Netscape and other web browser users. The site is very Graphics intensive by nature and therefore is targeted towards a higher bandwidth connection (DSL, etc). It will likely bog down dialup connections
Happy Easter!~

Can you find which egg is Newt's, and Which is mine?

Reprints from my coloringbookColoring Book entries.

In other news... Crap! I missed UT again! Dangit!

If I was a psycho serial killer, I'd drain the blood from my victims, put it in ketchup packets, and leave them in public-access condiment containers.

I wonder how long blood would remain fresh, vacuum sealed at room temperature?

Man, now I'm afraid to eat french fries.

I'm glad I'm not a psycho serial killer.
Found all 30 Easter eggs... Josie gave me an adventure quest T-shirt for good sportsmanship and enthusiasm. :) Egg 23 was a beast to find!

I joined the Adventure Quest club in There... I may design a little adventure with clues along the way myself sometime. I know it might help get me back into writing short stories.

I've met a great little crew in There. DeirdreNox, Chiasmodus, Whimsy, Sluggo & Josie are all wonderfully social people, and appreciate a pod's sensibilities and humor. I even got to see my ldysis in there briefly on Thursday. I think we're five out of ten folks that found all the Easter eggs, and we were complimented for working as a team, and for all of us wearing bunny slippers as part of the hunt.

Now, I just have to plan out some little quest or adventure. Maybe a murder mystery with clues and such laying around... or something silly but fun. I'm sure I could get a few of the gang to help me out.

Meantime, I think a bicycle ride would be lovely. Until later, dear journal.

Looks like it might be a bit rainy. Keeping the bike route to areas with cover.

Trysi, one of my baby vampires has taken 67 pints of blood already! Who are you, Trysi?
End of the road... home once again. I am parking it here, though.

I wasn't the only one on the bicycle back roads this afternoon...a few old ladies, a young guy, a couple of peacocks and a squirrel all were along no the nature ride.

Back from the bike ride... I saw a few places that have for rent signs up... I catalogued them for future reference come mid-may. Summertime is the best time to seek a place to stay in Florida, and the worst time to move. There was absolutely no sign of rain, and precious few clouds for that matter. I need to remember to bring my ball cap to spare my nose a scalding. Hasn't happened yet, but I know I'll burn if I'm not protected.

an appealing 2-story on 10th street looks pretty likely. They have free utilities and it's very secluded, yet close to my brother, and transit.

Brother seems to be doing fairly well, and I'm happy for that.

The FMM gang are having an Unreal tournament tonight at 9pm... I have to set a note to remind me, otherwise I'll be sitting out front reading or something.

Tests found via

Article about "Essential Difference"

The SQ test

Your SQ Score is 77. -high, range is 51-80
You have a very high ability for analyzing and exploring a system. On average women score about 24 and men score about 30. Three times as many people with Asperger Syndrome score in this range, compared to typical men, and almost no women score this high.

The EQ test

Your EQ score 53

(53-63) -just on the edge
You have an above average ability for understanding how people feel and responding appropriately. You know how to treat people with care and sensitivity. On Average, most women score about 47, and most men about 42.

Well, that's something. Even If I'm very analytical, I can still catch a vibe.

According to the Baron-Cohen brain type chart, I have a balanced brain between male and female stylings, even though I got close to the edge of being a type E. So much for a manifestation of autism.

Folks still haven't gotten the pod mind mapped yet, I guess.

Friday... Not too shabby.

Passover, Good Friday, Good day to catch a movie.

I'm going to skip House of 1000 corpses, even if it has a Clown ringmaster named Captain Spaulding. That's something you go to see with a group to mock it. Same with Bulletproof Monk. Eek.. Looking at what's playing, I may have to consult the nearby art theatre. Nothing mainstream is piquing my interest. [Update: Nothing interesting to Scotto is playing there either!] Am I just more discerning now? There was a time for about 2 years that I would hit a movie every week, somewhere. Of course that was when I had connections there, and could just walk in for free, fill up a brown lunch bag with theatre corn, and kick back. I think I got to see Ghost Dog five times that way.

Brother brought me over some goodies of his that he didn't want bulking him down anymore while he's relocating to a new home. Most worth mentioning are a rotisserie oven and a high-powered squirt gun.

Got sniped out of my n50 at the last moment, so I'm placing a bid on a new one.... d'oh!

Dan called me the other day and mentioned that he thought if I put a link in my lj asking for money, even if I didn't give a reason, people would give it to me. The problem being of course... I wouldn't want to bilk nice people. So a fun service might be instead a variant of the national star registry... the Scotto hair registry. For the low introductory price of $10, a hair will be plucked, sealed in a protective container, and catalogued. The buyer will receive a certificate of authenticity and a note about the hair's native region. For a gold membership of $25, the patron will be allowed to choose a region from which the hair is gathered, and a day pass to visit the storage facility during normal operating hours. Possibly a chance to meet Scotto himself!

Of course, that's just a gag. I wouldn't want to set up all the licenses and tax stuff to run a business like that.
Participating in an Easter egg hunt at

egg 1 equinox
egg 2 full moon
3 - bunny
egg 4 ducky
5* green grass
egg 6-warm breeze (behind ventrella cafe)
Egg 7 - tabu Egg 7: March
8 - marshmallow (soulmates)
egg 9 parade
Egg 10 - challenge Egg 10: orchid
egg 11- tyr egg 11- april
egg12- tyr-mountaintop egg 12 - robin
13 - basket (broken tower monkey area)
14 dogwood
15 cherry blossom
Egg 16 - rockhedge Egg 16: apple blossom
egg 17-daffodil
egg 18 - monkey temple egg 18 jonquil
egg 19- sunrise
20 - marshmallow
21 - crocus
22 - easter >>> BAK - lamb
23 - peeps
Egg 24 - burnt out lighthouse Egg 24: Ft. Lauderdale
egg 25 mallorca
26 -beach
27 - lily
28 - jelly beans
Egg 29 - poyola mill Egg 29: bonnet
30 tulip , saja windmill

Find 10 eggs to win an egg prize.
Find all 30 eggs to win the special egg prize.

Search all over the lands of There for 30 hidden eggs.

When you find each egg, read the scroll to find a word of Spring.

Write down the egg numbers and words on a notepad file.

Email the final list to Josie2 (theremail) by no later than Sunday at 5:30 pm PST.

10-19 eggs win the 3rd egg prize.
20-29 eggs found wins the 2nd egg prize.
Find all 30 eggs to win the special golden egg prize.

When you leave the club you will get a message saying you have 60 sec. to return to the event. Just ignore this, it has nothing to do with your status in this hunt.

Is anyone else doing that, aside from ldylittler-big_sis?
make of it what you will.

This position is responsible for the overall management of the data department.

Specific responsibilities include:

  • Supervision of Data department staff.

  • Develop new procedures and enhance existing procedures where needed.

  • Development and enhance checklists to ensure quality standards are met.

  • Develop and enhance work flows used within the data department. This will include incoming data requirements, processing requirements, and outgoing data flows.

  • Train staff on all procedures, checklists, and requirements associated with data processing.

  • Increase the knowledge of department staff through one on one training as well as identifying and locating training opportunities outside of the company.

  • Have knowledge of, and develop mastery of all database software applications currently used at JKG.

  • Variable data – Database design, layout, and work flows revolving around this growing application.

  • Evaluate current software applications in the marketplace, to include researching, negotiating, and acquiring software that will allow us to manage data applications at a higher level.

  • Automate data related processes in the data, mail, duplicating, and fulfillment departments, that are currently being done manually, inefficiently, or is a new process coming into JKG.

  • Develop Data Entry workflow – and centralize all data entry applications. Currently, this is being done in multiple areas, with multiple applications.

  • Work with Solnex and Lojx on improving our ability to ‘design for digital’ – for both direct mail and on-line applications. The goal is to be able to offer highly effective variable/personalized applications to offer our clientele.

  • Troubleshoot data related challenges – working with both internal and external customers.

  • Responsible for billing within the mail department.

  • Activities required …. As needed by JKG on an ongoing basis.

  • Interface with CIO, regarding purchases of hardware and Software, as well as communicating technology related issues.

  • Train sales reps and CSRs within our company, on data standards.

  • Evaluate, develop and recommend new web based applications to compliment existing print and fulfillment programs.

Sounds like a lot of work, but not all things will be happening all the time. I'm looking forward to the challenge.

pretty neato film clip - via via

I think I'm going to walk along riverfront and just soak up some atmosphere. Sure, now that I've got a good job lined up, 3 other good jobs call me for interviews. Sorry, guys, I signed papers. Call me back in 90 days, after my review comes in!

Out on walkabout. Saw some lovely sailboats, got a special free box of the new Kellogg’s smorez cereal. Looks like a decent snack, better for me that that mildly sweet bowl of death I picked up last test market.

Some things seen.... this drawing is different with a thin 1-pixel line than my usual marker school.

A house with a car and palm out front.

Down by the water....

little sailboat.... where have you been? Where are you going?

sailing in the city!

a little one man dealie... retirement fun, perhaps.
Thanks to for pointing me to the amazing sound-clip section of celebrity singers ... not to mention the Vincent Price remix of "How to Cook a small boy" or Fabio teaching Italian.

The woman who runs the site is Paul Winchell's daughter.

Yikes... got ready to synch up for the day, and discovered that Mr. Palm did himself a memory wipe. Not sure what caused that, but it sure is pesky... I'm glad I'm on usb rather than serial... but will have to evaluate all the restores carefully. I don't want to lose any important memos, even if I do have them backed up on Big Brain.

I wonder how much stuff will reappear that I've already removed?

This is the first erasure since I've had a docking station charger... hopefully it'll be the last, at least for a while. It'd suck if I had to go back to 8 Megs... I'm really more comfy with the extra room that 16 can provide.

[Update] looks good. The only thing that tripped me up was the planetarium files and duplicates of books I'd renamed in isilo. Both easily corrected, and my memos /schedules are all in place.

disturbing. singing, with pictures sleepy kittens shouldn't upset me this way. a dirty word in there, in case you're at work.
The hippo of recollection stirs in the muddy waters of the mind.

JKG went nicely, and I got to visit with some of the folks at FMM afterward. The Network was down, and poor Sappho was stressed out. The AC is broken there too, making my old office and hers an ez-bake oven. That's been broken since last week.

Reviewing the Employee handbook for JKG was an eye-opener.... It’s been a long time since I've worked at a professional company. The HR woman was amazingly helpful, informed, and well trained. I'll be getting a 401k after 90 days, not a year as I had previously understood.. Direct deposit set up easily enough, and they even have a deal with the train station for discounted employee passes. I was complimented on my preference of taking mass transit instead of the highway

Looks like I lost a childer in the vampire game (warning, some popups) but I'm progressing reasonably well.

My Stikfas came in the mail... they're quite a lot of fun, if you like super-poseable action toys. Newt has claimed the green one for himself. I can agree to those terms. I still have a tan one (actually closer to flesh) and a black one. The versatility is nice, but I think that they'd have done better to provide maybe less guns, and an additional head, feet and set of hands... and that way allowed you to have two guys in a box.

air plant growing at my eye level... the mold makes it look like an anemone, I think, or vaguely aquatic, anyhow.

Warning near the Tri-rail crossing station  -reads WARNING electrostatic discharge, protection required in this structure.

Of course now statues says - At 6:42 pm EST on Monday, April 14th, Admin denisep writes:
Currently, we're having problems with loading pages. If you're getting timeouts, 404s, or proxy errors, it's related to this problem. We're working to fix it as quickly as we can.

A kind word and a smile made all the difference today... focusing on special things charged me up.
Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness.

The Transformer next door blew up at about 8:00 last night, scaring the bejimies out of me.

Internet was a little rocky, as a result of the morning power lines and so I was skittish and stayed away from the computer much of the day yesterday.

Brother is out of his apartment again. He screwed up again. Idiot. I love him, but I hate this side of him. Keeps putting off the LL, and then doesn't understand when he gets notice.

Going to JKG tomorrow morning to sign some papers.

Not into writing at all. There are some elements of my life going well... others I don't know where I stand, or what I can do. Just take it as it comes, is all I can do, I suppose.
The landscaping guys trimmed the branches and the local power lines, so all was quiet in the grotto this morning after a crackle and popping. FPL came out and had us up and running in less than three hours.

It's amazing how quiet a house can be with no A/C, no refrigerator hum, no computer cooling fans or high-pitched monitor whines, I was nice to lie down and read... I could hear Newt's breathing as well as his purring quite clearly.

Now that I'm back on current... Newt's running around the house low to the ground, and doing a little cat dance on my freshly changed sheets. I have no Idea why he likes fresh sheets, but it's a simple pleasure. :)

I picked up ut2k3 for 19 bucks at toys r us... not bad, considering most folks went to best buy and paid 35. I offered Sappho my receipt to take to circuit city. They will refund the difference if it's within a few weeks of purchase.

It moves really fast, and gave me a good excuse to update my video drivers, and to pick up direct x 9. The level editor is almost more fun than the game is.

I'm bidding on a nostromo n50 speedpad on ebay... not just for unreal, but for a lot of macro-things that I've implemented...They're going for next to nothing online.(maybe $14, with shipping) I want to play with all the crazy features on There. I really enjoy the company There, and hoverboarding is a hoot.
Well, doing a 9-6 m-f gig next week, contract work, we'll see how it goes. I'm still waiting to seriously hear back from JKG and MM...Sent follow-ups today. MM would like me to tour the facility soon.

A friend pointed me to Zombie and mummy... a palm drawn cartoon featuring the undead. fun to look at, but needs something more. Can't resist palm-drawn zombies and mummies, though.

demian5's (which is interesting, though perhaps a tad too "wiener-centric" I think the camel-thing is cute, even if it needs to be a bit more discerning in the ways of love.

Four people have already joined the vampire game! There are a couple of pop-ups, I hear, though I didn't see them with the blocker. It's a lot of fun, so far. I like turn based games like that... reminds me of the old bbs days.

Taking myself out to dinner tonight, I think... I don't feel that it's terribly premature to celebrate a bit.... though perhaps I'll treat my self to takeout, since I've been living on the cheap save for twice out with friends. I'm in the mood for something delicious and made by a strange kitchen.

As another special reward, I'll buy myself a copy of UT2003 rather than being a dirty pirate, too.

until later, dear journal!
I wish that I had a way to verify answers to the many questions in my head. It'd be nice to know what the questions mean, too. I'm good at internal debate. So good, in fact, I can convince myself of just about anything, if I put my mind to it. I'm good at external debate, too, but I've not had a chance to polish those skills in a while. I can honestly say that I've not seen a debate community of any sustaining value yet on LJ. I've seen a lot of argument communities; I think that many of those are stuck in an ad hoc or ad hominem school.

I wonder if it's a bad idea that I'm checking the Iraqometer daily, but avoiding most of the news coverage? I'm trying my best to get unbiased information, but it seems that it doesn't exist. I don't want the opinions of newscasters, I just want information, cut and dried. It's bad enough that the meter gets some of its info from sources that I consider to be weak.

I'm not one for being embarrassed by knowing that others are critically aware of me. Not sure if that's a strength or a weakness, or both. It's true that very few people have opinions that matter to me, but I take those opinions very seriously, even if those precious few don't realize it.

There’s a quote by John Donne...overstated and clichéd, but still quite accurate to my mind right now.
No man is an island. Entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

I need to remember in my heart that everyone is a part of the whole. It can be really easy for me to discount the value of others in the scheme of my life, save for a few major players.
'Babar' Creator Dies

Cecile de Brunhoff, who created the adventurous elephant Babar in 1931, has died in Paris, France, at the age of 99. She created Babar to entertain her three sons with stories before bed. Later, her husband, Jean de Brunhoff, who died in 1937, illustrated the enchanting tales, therefore creating characters Celeste, Zephir and the "Old Lady," who takes care of young Babar after his mother dies. Cecile was born on October 16, 1903

Bro's off to a painting gig, so that's something.

Newt's running all over the house, trying to get a look at the garbage man outside... He can't seem to figure which window is best to look out of, so he's peeking through one window for a microsecond, then dashing to an alternate sill, and then repeating the process. He's talking a bit too; I'm getting kitty doppler effects.

Well, I'm off! Until later, dear journal.

Looks like Bro has managed to wheedle an extension with the landlord... who knows how long it'll last, but at least it's something. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but not my eyes.

I am the sonnet, never quickly thrilled;
Not prone to overstated gushing praise
Nor yet to seething rants and anger, filled
With overstretched opinions to rephrase;
But on the other hand, not fond of fools,
And thus, not fond of people, on the whole;
And holding to the sound and useful rules,
Not those that seek unjustified control.
I'm balanced, measured, sensible (at least,
I think I am, and usually I'm right);
And when more ostentatious types have ceased,
I'm still around, and doing, still, alright.
In short, I'm calm and rational and stable -
Or, well, I am, as much as I am able.
What Poetry Form Are You?

What Sort of Hat Are You? I am a Crash Helmet.I am a Crash Helmet.

I may appear to take risks, but they're always carefully calculated to be not actually that risky. My primary concern is for my safety and comfort, and that of those around me; only when that's taken care of do I go after fun. What Sort of Hat Are You?

click here if you want to play a vampire game like me!
Today's a new day.

Opportunity and Good Fortune is there for the taking.

Got a lovely email from Rachel today, and it brightened my day considerably.

I'm off to the mall to look at and ponder Easter goodies...I think maybe I'll make Newt a basket filled with cat grass. Never to early to sneak a Cadbury egg for myself, either.

Yikes... 17 year old dreadlocks for sale on ebay.
A little creaky today, but not so much so. I need to call Kforce regarding the TAG situation, if there is one.

Looks like the gang at FMM are going to try UT 2003.. I'll have to see if I can get a copy. It looks like Santie had some trouble running it on his XP system... I wonder if Kev, Troy or any of the other XPers are having similar problems? I'm glad that Win2k is the system of choice at my place.

Not much into writing lately... minds' been occupied by this, that and the other.

Try being more practical today, Scotto. Sometimes your idealistic nature can make you fantasize and you get lost in romantic daydreams. This is a good day to focus and concentrate. Your mind will be mostly occupied by finding new opportunities in your career. Just make sure that you research all the options before jumping into it. You'll want to make sure that it is financially rewarding.

Your sign, dear Scotto, is the eleventh of the zodiac and is considered to be the sign of perspective, the future, and new projects. The water bearer symbolizes intellectual development through communication and innovation. Of all signs, you are the most idealistic and humanitarian, with a strong sense of community and fraternity.

Your ruler Uranus, the planet of change and revolution, represents originality and a strong drive for adventure and freedom. Uranus is also called the rebel planet, and its energy is radical, sudden, and unpredictable.

Aquarius is the third of the three air signs, which means that your intellectuality is expressed as an intuitive grasp of universal principles, along with a concern for the universal well-being of humanity.

Aquarius rules the eleventh house of the chart, Scotto, the sector associated with friends and groups, intellectual pleasures, socializing, and attitude toward society. However, it also describes personal hopes and wishes, as well as collective trends and humanitarian issues.

Yours is a fixed sign, which means that you resist manipulative behavior. You form your own opinion, however unusual it may be, and refuse to adapt. If someone dares to push, pull, or pressure you, they will definitely get to know your stubborn and eccentric side.

Your strengths, Scotto, definitely are that you are accepting and sympathetic to many points of view, and are equipped to understand each of them. This wide sphere of understanding causes you to be idiosyncratic. You are an unusually independent and wildly unique individual with a profound spiritual bent. Your intuition, loyalty, and resourcefulness make you a fun person to be around.

Naturally, you have some weaknesses, too, the most pronounced one being that you can be erratic in your actions. At times, you can be scattered and unrealistic, and confuse your own will with the greater will. Sometimes you can also be detached so that others see you as cold and inaccessible.

Fairly Accurate.

There are low-bandwidth and high-bandwidth versions of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie trailer. Edward Scissorhands, Legolas, and the Marquis de Sade team up for bold adventure!

My brother seems to have a case of "the grass is greener" syndrome. Keeps talking about moving to other places, assuming the economy will be better. I tell you what... If you can't get a job as a waiter/barback in Fort Lauderdale, there's very little possibility of getting one in Mayberry (or wherever)
Why do the words "sleeveless smock" ring in my mind?

The time change hit me pretty hard, I can roll with the punches.

Downloadable toons!

why the kabalarians are bunk - Where it asks for your name, so it can do a "Name Analysis", type in "Cthulhu".

I wish I'd had these prop handouts for Cthulhu when I was playing it.

I think it's sort of neat that in about 100 million years or so that Phobos will likely crash into the surface of Mars, and form a ring of debris around it.

They found a colossal squid... bigger than a giant squid.

Looks like Santie put a good word in for me on Friday with the Meter made folks... that's nice to know.
Well! Today was especially nice.

I got to spend the afternoon with my keen littler big sis, , and met face to face, too. My eyes are all puffy today, not sure of what caused that. I look forward to Ldy & p-boi's shots of the time there. God gabs, and a tasty lunch of enchiladas and margaritas... I'm still pretty full from a 2pm lunch. We had a nice walk down by the new river, and experienced city parking.

In the mail from JKG when I got home tonight -

Hello Scott,
Great to hear from you. Thank you for the follow up. I'm quite certain that we will be in a position to make you an offer early next week. Hang in there until then. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Take care,

That's exceptional news, too. With any luck, I'll get installed over there shortly.

But, until that is solidified, my first 8-8 shift is tomorrow.

Up by 5:30 tomorrow, do the 3 S's
leave 6:40 on Rt 31 n to Atlantic and 441, get to TAG by 7:45.
South to Southgate, west to TAG.TAG 1/4 mile down
11:30 am
En route to the Robin Rodriguez meeting... Thinking about old speedy Gonzales cartoons with "Slowpoke Rodriguez" and his pistol. How racist would folks find that character today? I'd heard that the cartoon network withheld showing speedy for a while, come to think of it. Not sure if that's true. When I worked at the library, Theresa Rodriguez rightfully had the moniker of slowpoke... Brent dubbed her that, I think. She was the assistant in the kids department and very sweet. Perfect height for the job...maybe 4'10 or so? She was one of the elves when I acted as a Santa's helper at BBCL. (5 times... I've put on the red suit about 9 or10 times for kids since the 7th grade)

12:27 pm
Note to others about self - don't confuse courtesy with subservience. Some folks think I do nice things out of obligation rather than just being nice. Nuh-uh.

Robin and Al aren't too late... They just pulled in.

2:32 pm
The meeting went well, and I got a free lunch out of the deal. Lots of industry gossip was passed around. Told about Dave & Cathi's baby getting bigger and cuter... Wally's crookedness, new company and upcoming trial, Vic fired or leaving Nordis (I'm more and more glad that didn't pan.) the rack is working with MM now and gave a good review of me... As did Cobden and Brian at MCS. MM is in Fort Lauderdale, another bonus.

I pull an 8-8 TAG shift this coming Sunday but have Saturday off! Looks like lunch with ldy is surely on!

4:18 pm
riding the bus... I can't believe how wrong some folks are with judgments. I smile pleasantly at a young lady and the look that she throws back at me is the kind you'd give to a dog that might bite if it got off its leash. I'm glad that most little kids can see that I'm a nice guy anyhow. Too many predators in the world today... Makes for skittish people. If that girl knew me, she'd know that I’m as gentle as a lamb unless provoked by violence or cruelty. Plus, I'm not "cruising for the booty".

At the shoe store next to the Diner-

Babe Ruth statue
Babe Ruth, life size, standing in front of *running* shoes. I really don't think of el pauncho as a long distance marathon dude.

a set of guardrails leading directly to a column
Classic engineering #1 - Guardrails that lead down directly to a support column on the "Just for feet" store

rails leading to an impossible corner
Classic Engineering #2. A different perspective on the same guardrail set. These two lead up steps, only to meet together in a pair of hoops that forbid passage. I'm not sure what broke away the top step. Erosion, maybe, or just bad concrete, not able to support itself together with two poles so close together at the top. Maybe both?

I'd say that perhaps 50% of the stairwell forbids passage just by bad design of one sort or another.

At the Bus top near the Cypress Creek Tri-Rail Station

Joe Graffiti
Joe graffiti on the clear Plexiglas of the rain-shade stop. It's smoky or hazy... those shapes behind are trees and vehicles.

dead basketball in a fenced off parking area
A sun-bleached basketball, sitting flat, long abandoned inside a fenced off area that was once a parking lot for the bowling alley (which was torn down in '98, or so.. you can see the remains of it beyond.) I wonder where the ball-players are now?

front house & trees
Home again, home again. Who can say how old Mr. tree out front is? The place on the left is the front house, and the tree is now completely free of yellow leaves. A week ago, maybe more, it was covered with green-yellow plumage.
End palm update.

I got a weird sense of post-apocalyptic memory, looking at a lot of the locations. How long will those things stand, if everyone vanished tomorrow? There are places you can walk during the day in the business district that is totally silent... no cars in motion... buildings stretching overhead, not giving any sign of the life within. If it wasn't for the birds, a person might think that only plants remain. In the wrong parts of town, there isn't any landscaped flora, either.... Just grass forcing its way out between the cracks. Other times, there's so many people and vehicles out and about, it seems like there's not enough room to store them all during the quiet times.

Visited at Meredith's place briefly tonight with Mike, and a few of her friends. Mike took about 3000 shots at the last tenant's sexuality, and was then mildly chastised by the friends there when it turned out that the two guys were dating each other. Heehee... maybe that'll teach him to watch his mouth, at least for a little while.

Chatted with ldy, and we will indeed get together tomorrow. It'll be so nice to get together with my littler big sis! Mexican Food.. Huzzah! We will drink Margaritas. and meet Penguinboi.

I have to Call Mike at KForce tomorrow sometime, to confirm regarding Sunday.

I got this Email today...(links added by me for ease of ref)

Just saw your journal post of 1/25/02 referring to the Sample McDougald House soon after its move & its spooky look.

We are now in active restoration and are working on the exterior woodwork. We've had to specially mill a lot of wood to replace rotten planks. We expect to paint within the month.

Landscaping will take a little longer, but we hope to begin planting some trees in May.

Stroll by the house again -- it may be taking a bit of time to get it back in shape, but the effort will be worth it.

Dan Hobby
Executive Director
Sample-McDougald House Preservation Society

I look forward to seeing how it's evolved. I know that they suffer a labor of love...I should swing by before they paint it.
LL is here, and talking with the bro right now. I *really* hope that they can come to a good situation for everyone, though I think odds are poor.

I've discovered that Meredith out front is just about as opposite to me as can be. (in the six-year old terming of it, anyhow.)

I've a cat, She has a dog. I do database programming, she's a graphic designer. I'm the first "first born male" in my family's recent memory to not serve in the military, She was in the navy.

I'm looking forward to at least having a nice long lunch with ldy tomorrow, even though I'm fairly sure that a Friday night hangout session isn't going to happen.

Hmm… No word yet about my sponsored links. I'm going to have to write Natalie, and find out. Usually I get paid promptly on the 28th.

Maybe it means I'll be getting more! :)

I quite like getting some bucks in my paypal account... it's like an excuse to bid on something on ebay!

[update - 7:41]

Got my payment, I think they just forgot.
Iraq-o-meter - about it

There you go... clear and to the point.

Take a break from not laughing at the many unfunny April Fool's Day "jokes" on the web, and check out the 100 greatest April Fool's Day hoaxes of all time.

Frodo, Gollum, Sauron, Jennifer Lopez what do these have in common?" They have a progressively harder time holding onto a ring.

Today's follow-up interview went so well, I treated myself to a trip to the town center mall, and reflected on Boca Raton. I used to live there. One of my ex-girlfriends still does. It's where they have the TV show the golden girls take place, even though the ex-girlfriend in question is just 33 now. (I last saw her when she was 26. can it have been that long ago?) I wandered over the stomping grounds of three exes today, all told. One's in Utah, now doing who knows what, hopefully managing to get her life in order.. One's happily married in California, really off to a good direction with her life and family, and the last in Boca (as far as I know) and I've no idea what she's up to.

I plan on hearing from JKG sometime quite soon. Hopefully I'll have a gig there by the end of the week. The office is pleasantly close to the Tri-Rail Station.

A few pictures from today... I really need to figure out how to clean the palm-cam lens, or to just carry my proper digicam.

as Always, hover for comments some comments too long, so they're posted underneath the pics, too.

Waiting for the 9am train.. I got to the station by 8:30, so had plenty of time to play a game of arcanoid (which had volume cranked to "busy disco" level. It almost hurt my ears to play. but, for my quarter, I managed to burn a few minutes of my half-hour wait. The controls are in great shape, very sensitive and responsive. No time to play galaga, though. Yes, it was that sickly yellow colored light inside the Amtrak station. If I were going on a long trip, I'd prefer to wait outside in the bright, sunny light, rather than the gloomy, almost urine-stained lamplight they had there.
Waiting for the 9am train... I got to the station by 8:30, so had plenty of time to play a game of arcanoid (which had volume cranked to "busy disco" level. It almost hurt my ears to play... but, for my quarter, I managed to burn a few minutes of my half-hour wait. The controls are in great shape, very sensitive and responsive. No time to play galaga, though. Yes, it was that sickly yellow colored light inside the Amtrak station. If I were going on a long trip, I'd prefer to wait outside in the bright, sunny light, rather than the gloomy, almost urine-stained lamplight they had there.

Southbound train, an experiment to see what the train captured in motion would look like. Looks like a train, no real blurring.
Southbound train, an experiment to see what the train captured in motion would look like. Looks like a train, no real blurring.

same shot as moving train, only stopped. I sort of like how they painted blue sky an palm trees on it, so it doesn't "wreck the view" when stopped.
A fun meme... these answers may and can change at any time.

If I were a stone, I would be granite.
If I were a tree, I would be a mangrove.
If I were a bird, I would be an African Grey.
If I were an insect, I would be an atlas beetle.
If I were a machine, I would be a lever.
If I were a tool, I would be fire.
If I were a fruit, I would be a blueberry.
If I were a flower, I would be lavender.
If I were a kind of weather, I would be a soft rain with distant thunder.
If I were a mythical creature, I would be a yeti.
If I were a musical instrument, I would be a tuba.
If I were a kind of profession, I would be librarian.
If I were an animal, I would be a bear.
If I were anything in the world, I would be a gorilla costume filled with karmic redemption.
If I were a color, I would be orange.
If I were a fragrance, I would be fresh baked bread.
If I were an emotion, I would be curiosity.
If I were a state of mind, I would be cynicism.
If I were a vegetable, I would be a corn.
If I were a sound, I would be a gasp of surprise.
If I were an element(chemical), I would be beryllium.
If I were an Element(magical), I would be Earth.

Scientists at St. Louis University are trying to use enzymes as a catalyst in fuel cells to generate electricity without the storage and safety problems of hydrogen. New Scientist reports in this story that they've done very well using ethanol as the catalyst, going so far as to run their batteries -- which they hope can be used in cell phones, laptop computers, and the like -- on gin and vodka.

No, really. Check it out.

until later, dear journal

JKG went very well, they want me to meet with the CIO tomorrow at 10 am. I've got a strong, positive vibe there. Mark over there is a swell guy, very engaging, and knows how to sell his company. I'm very enthusiastic about the upcoming meeting.

If all goes well, it'll be programming, light management (3 people) and building a software / hardware system of the company to use with its existing web control program.

I've got a hankering to watch the Disney version of 20,000 leagues under the sea. I think I'll just synch the book to the palm, instead.

To the powers that be....

Wow... my Photoshop skills have gotten better in the last couple years... from two years ago...
Calling Robin Rodriguez today, and doing follow-ups. [update] stardust diner 12:30 With Robin - interview /lunch I may be too expensive for her, but we'll see.

Brett over at Starmark is very fast on his replies, and I appreciate that.

The bulk of the reply was:
"It is possible I can bring you in freelance before I hire that position, but I would not know the timing at this point. I'll try to have a definitive answer for you by the end of this week."
Works for me... I'' keep positive vibes there. It looks like a great gig.

Joanne wrote back this morning too, re: the State Attorney's office, and that seems to be very positive.

Tomorrow is the big visit with Mark over at JKG... 10:30 am, that's a quick trip via tri rail to Boca. It amazes me how all trips take an hour, whether you're going up the street or cross-county.

Picked up some provisions earlier and nearly fell over... the weather outside is fantastic... maybe the low 60s or cooler. Thank you, whatever super villain is messing with the world’s temperatures! This morning, first thing, I'd say it was in the 40s.

Bro brought Newt a Catnip mouse and some treats, and me a packet of Reese’s pieces. I can't recall the last time I had RP... probably some Halloween before Newt was born.

Hey kids - this is advertising! sponge bob toys at burger king I think Newt'd dig the plush shakin' sponge bob., and I'm rather partial to the gravity defying Gary wind up toy.

Dan thinks I'm Dogbert.
Dan called me and told me to update my journal about him going out... Yeesh! He could always start his own up... :)

He missed out on Spirited away, due to either a misreading of the paper, or a typo. Instead, they went to see Chicago and walked out inside the first 20 minutes of the movie, and instead went to see What a Girl Wants with the permission of he theatre manager. I asked Dan what he rated Chicago on a scale of one to 10, and he gave it a 1.3 (the lowest he's ever rated anything to my mind is Spawn, which he gave a 1.1)... so to my recollection, Chicago was the 2nd worst movie he's ever seen. He did make it up by going to dim sum afterwards.

Heck, I could've told him that both he and the Mrs. would hate Chicago.
Saturday's here, and I'm up, but not long awake, because I was up until about 7am this morning, hanging out at There, reading and thinking about what the future may bring.... went to office depot with Sappho yesterday, and picked up a copy of Hero X for $1.99. Cute game, and worth just about what I paid for it. Getting the patch to make it work makes it worth nearly *twice* that.

Strange things happen all at once. Three light bulbs burned out yesterday, in a rapid progression... The one over the computer area, the one overhead in the kitchen, and the one just outside my front door. So, I'm going to have to pick some of those up before the weekend is over. I prefer the light form the monitors, for the most part, anyhoo.

Got a call from MM, over where "The Rack" is working now. (She was supposed to go to Nordis, too.) Robin there wants to meet with me later in the week, regarding a position. Not bad, at all... Looks like another possible gig to add to the list.

Dan's going to see Spirited Away with his wife tonight... I'm happy for him.. he's been wanting to see it for an age, and a date night with his wife is a good thing.

TAG on Monday... It'll be interesting to see how that goes.