Saturday, May 03, 2003

So before you begin a career as an Illuminated Seer, start by seeing how everything is related. Go to Lexical FreeNet and use their connected thesaurus to find all manner of disturbing, amusing, or just plain unexpected ties between words, phrases, and their myriad uses. There may be a test later.

Tyhmä juusto = stupid cheese in Finnish.

Consume Memories on a chip. Won't the ghouls be happy! The world's first brain prosthesis - an artificial hippocampus - is about to be tested in California. Unlike devices like cochlear implants, which merely stimulate brain activity, this silicon chip implant will perform the same processes as the damaged part of the brain it is replacing.

Air and sea show is having practice today, and being as close to the beach, it's loudy-loud. I think it's the Thunderbirds.

Scavenger hunt is *tricky* but not really hard. I think that with my sis and the pgm crew as a resource, the answers will come together well enough. D got me a swell pirate buggy last night, too, and its helping to sell the pirate outfits as well as making me look quite the dashing avatar.

World's first brain prosthesis revealed

19:00 12 March 03

Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition

The world's first brain prosthesis - an artificial hippocampus - is about to be tested in California. Unlike devices like cochlear implants, which merely stimulate brain activity, this silicon chip implant will perform the same processes as the damaged part of the brain it is replacing.

Hippocampus replacement
The prosthesis will first be tested on tissue from rats' brains, and then on live animals. If all goes well, it will then be tested as a way to help people who have suffered brain damage due to stroke, epilepsy or Alzheimer's disease.

Any device that mimics the brain clearly raises ethical issues. The brain not only affects memory, but your mood, awareness and consciousness - parts of your fundamental identity, says ethicist Joel Anderson at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri.

The researchers developing the brain prosthesis see it as a test case. "If you can't do it with the hippocampus you can't do it with anything," says team leader Theodore Berger of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. The hippocampus is the most ordered and structured part of the brain, and one of the most studied. Importantly, it is also relatively easy to test its function.

The job of the hippocampus appears to be to "encode" experiences so they can be stored as long-term memories elsewhere in the brain. "If you lose your hippocampus you only lose the ability to store new memories," says Berger. That offers a relatively simple and safe way to test the device: if someone with the prosthesis regains the ability to store new memories, then it's safe to assume it works.

Model, build, interface

The inventors of the prosthesis had to overcome three major hurdles. They had to devise a mathematical model of how the hippocampus performs under all possible conditions, build that model into a silicon chip, and then interface the chip with the brain.

No one understands how the hippocampus encodes information. So the team simply copied its behavior. Slices of rat hippocampus were stimulated with electrical signals, millions of times over, until they could be sure which electrical input produces a corresponding output. Putting the information from various slices together gave the team a mathematical model of the entire hippocampus.

They then programmed the model onto a chip, which in a human patient would sit on the skull rather than inside the brain. It communicates with the brain through two arrays of electrodes, placed on either side of the damaged area. One records the electrical activity coming in from the rest of the brain, while the other sends appropriate electrical instructions back out to the brain.

The hippocampus can be thought of as a series of similar neural circuits that work in parallel, says Berger, so it should be possible to bypass the damaged region entirely (see graphic).

Memory tasks

Berger and his team have taken nearly 10 years to develop the chip. They are about to test it on slices of rat brain kept alive in cerebrospinal fluid, they will tell a neural engineering conference in Capri, Italy, next week.

"It's a very important step because it's the first time we have put all the pieces together," he says. The work was funded by the US National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

If it works, the team will test the prosthesis in live rats within six months, and then in monkeys trained to carry out memory tasks. The researchers will stop part of the monkey's hippocampus working and bypass it with the chip. "The real proof will be if the animal's behavior changes or is maintained," says Sam Deadwyler of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, who will conduct the animal trials.

The hippocampus has a similar structure in most mammals, says Deadwyler, so little will have to be changed to adapt the technology for people. But before human trials begin, the team will have to prove unequivocally that the prosthesis is safe.

Collateral damage

One drawback is that it will inevitably bypass some healthy brain tissue. But this should not affect the patient's memories, says Berger. "It would be no different from removing brain tumors," where there is always some collateral damage, says Bernard Williams, a philosopher at Britain's University of Oxford, who is an expert in personal identity.

Anderson points out that it will take time for people to accept the technology. "Initially people thought heart transplants were an abomination because they assumed that having the heart you were born with was an important part of who you are."

While trials on monkeys will tell us a lot about the prosthesis's performance, there are some questions that will not be answered. For example, it is unclear whether we have any control over what we remember. If we do, would brain implants of the future force some people to remember things they would rather forget?

The ethical consequences of that would be serious. "Forgetting is the most beneficial process we possess," Williams says. It enables us to deal with painful situations without actually reliving them.

Another ethical conundrum concerns consent to being given the prosthesis, says Anderson. The people most in need of it will be those with a damaged hippocampus and a reduced ability to form new memories. "If someone can't form new memories, then to what extent can they give consent to have this implant?"

Oh, come on. You knew we were going to say it . . .

[Highlander Badger Piper] After an absence of almost 20 years, Highlander Badgers have returned, kicking off the re-release of the Off The Wall Armies line of bizarre fantasy miniatures. Sculpted in 28mm scale, each army features anthropomorphic animal figures with weapons and gear from different historical periods. These figures are the delightfully strange creations of Richard Kerr, who sculpted all the figures and developed the bizarre universe they come from.

The Highlander Badgers are based on the North American badger (Taxidea taxus), with a culture from the 16th- thru 18th-century Scottish Highlands. Currently available are the Sergeant, the Longbowman, the Humbly (Commoner) with Axe, the Bagpiper, and the Chieftain. Future releases for this group will include the Highlander Cavalry and claymore-wielding warriors.

The Highlander Badgers are brought to you by Gray Cat Studios and Steve Jackson Games, and are available exclusively through Warehouse 23.

The entire Off The Wall Armies line will eventually be available again, and Kerr is busy sculpting another generation of great new figures. Armies will be released approximately every other month. The Otterman Empire is due out next, followed by the Semi-Colonials, Something Fishy, the Snakes of Wrath, and Kat-anas.

*** End press release (slightly edited for opening links in new windows)

Woohoo! Mind you, it's a little misleading. You have to paint 'em yourself (I think that they should show an unpainted model sample too.), but I think they're very cool, if a real challenge, paint wise. They look like a load of fun, and close enough in scale to mage knight to mount on a combat dial.

Examples of unpainted vs. painted from the monsters miniatures page

Also cute are the Pokethulhu miniatures. Who can help laughing and then shrieking in terror at scuttle or jigglypolyp?

Was on There last night a bit, played 20q with Dan, too. We added armpit, a cat whisker and space junk to the database. It's a fun thing.

I didn't get to chat much There because of numerous social interruptions... but I got some good time in, and a new pirate costume. :)

my three vampire spawn are doing well... I'm surprised that I don't know more LJers that play it.

I shall pass along a good pop-up blocker for those that need it. Even if you don't play online games, it's a nice helper for anyone who surfs much online.

Come to 'Lily Dale' for fun, not to stay
By Susan Hall-Balduf

"GHOSTS DON'T SPOOK me. Touchy-feely people give me the heebie-jeebies."

Experts: Special interests ruin textbooks
By Christian Bourge

"Conservative and liberal special interest groups have hijacked the process of designing textbooks and standardized tests in the United States, in the process effectively lowering the quality of much of the education materials produced for American schoolchildren, according to education policy experts."

Don't panic: flu, malaria and falling down stairs are bigger killers
by Tim Radford
The Guardian

"You are more likely to die from influenza, malaria or even by falling down the stairs at home. But that hasn't stopped the fear of Sars escalating out of all proportion to the risks."

Health Center seeks to debunk SARS myths
Red & Black [Athens, GA]

"Chills, headaches, trouble breathing, fevers -- not only are these indicators of the infamous flu, they also are symptoms of the deadly Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)."

Pompano Beach man pleads guilty to having role in scam
Associated Press

"A 68-year-old Pompano Beach man faces five years in federal prison after pleading guilty to a charge of wire fraud."

Villagers in fear of `ninja' gang
by Anucha Charoenpo
Bangkok Post

"Rumours of a black-clad ninja gang of thieves continue to hold many remote villages in fear in the southern border provinces, despite repeated assurances by authorities the gang does not exist."

Rate my kitten! Ratings as of 5/2/03

Crosspossted to

Name, #of votes, Rating

Newton1, 300, 7.44
Newton2, 302, 7.99
Newton3, 293, 8.07
Newton4, 301, 5.42 (personally, this is my fave)
Newton5, 325, 8.03
Going to an orthopedic Monday morning, 9:45 am.

The office is next door. (I'm in 1207; they're at 1212 on the same street) That's the way.... uh-huh, uh-huh… I like it, uh-huh, uh-huh.

Workman's comp starts covering on the 22nd day out. I don't think I'll be gone nearly that long, but I am glad that they're paying for the doctor and all prescriptions. HR at FMM never was on top of things like the *at all*. It's amazing to work for a company that's got its act together. Workman's comp also is willing to pay for any travel I have to do. I'm glad that I wasn't terribly hurt, but I feel much more secure knowing they're on the job.

Poop... my paid links aren't being renewed this month. Ah well, off my page they go. It was nice while it lasted...$160 in free money over 8 months. I'd gladly work with them again in the future.

Since I removed the links, I've officially replaced the old index page with the more earthy-one that I've had in the works forever and a day. I'm going to set up my other pages using the same style sheet, eventually. I'm also contemplating the insertion of the welcome message inside the title-graphic.