Translate my journal into - Simplified Chinese, Dansk, Deutsch, Español, Français, Greek, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polska, Portugués, Russian and Svensk.
(I just added that to my ever growing and very messy bio page) I'm not sure if I want to put the links on my journal itself, though it'd be much more convenient for folks that visit to spot it that way. Cool thing is that on many of the translatins, you can hover over words and see the English/other language translation.
Two new items added to eBay -
Coral Ridge Country Club Golf Foursome (Coral Ridge Country Club) and a One Month Fitness Spa Membership (Jupiter Fitness center)
Hopefully these will win ACIM some nice funds....I wonder if the foursome isn't too pricey an item for a local deal, but we'll see! I'll have to get CS to edit the copy... he didn't run it through a spell check. Otherwise, they look quite nice.
Del Monte's canned sweet peas (no salt) are far better quality-wise than Green Giant.
An 80-year-old woman used a ceremonial sword to fight off two six-foot raiders who burst into her home.
Angina sufferer Jean Freke grabbed the sword from the wall in her drawing-room after she was pushed to the ground.
The widow wrestled with one of the burglars and brandished the weapon at the other.
Her actions forced the pair of teenagers to flee empty-handed from her home in Dunyeats Road, Broadstone, Poole, Dorset on Sunday.
Mrs Freke, who sustained bruising to her arm during the incident, is currently having her angina condition monitored at Poole Hospital.
The sword was a pre-World War I army officer's dress sword which belonged to Mrs Freke's late husband's father.
Loud explosions
She said: "I was sitting in the drawing-room when I heard some loud explosions.
"I walked out into the hall to look around and these two men who had been trying to knock down my mahogany door had knocked-out the door frame."
One of the teenagers ransacked the room, while Mrs Freke struggled with the other.
"They were big men and I am not big at all.
"I was trying to keep them away from a chair in the far corner of the room - behind the cushion was my bag, cheque book and all my money," she said.
"I pointed the sword at the stomach of one them and shouted 'Get out, get out'.
" I have still got my sword and I am ready to use it if anyone else should have a go."
The raiders were white, aged 18 to 20, six feet tall and wearing dark clothing.
Detective Inspector Garry Smith said: "The attack on Mrs Freke was despicable and cowardly with a vulnerable widow being targeted in her own home.
"We are absolutely disgusted with what has occurred. Jean fought back and fought them off with her sword and I take my hat off to her."
The attack on Mrs Freke follows a series of burglaries where elderly householders have been targeted.
A year ago - palm doodle, dreams, henna, free chex mix, straight dope on Thanksgiving
two years ago - Procrustean, news, wicker man, code troubles, naughty/nice poll, HP lovecraft library
Three years ago - @, plantain recipe, ground zero after the presidential wars, squatch, Spanish potty mouf, sugar magnolia, Twinkie poem
Ah, lovely. Back from this morning's PT, which was just a glorified deep tissue massage, and that's just fine by me. Afterward, I arrived home to find a package from Bahrain that needed shuttling northwards, and my check came in, so it was off to the bank for a deposit and the PO next door to launch goodies. Thanks, Oneeyed and Sedef! I'm sure the goodies will be well recieved. :)
Since I was in the neighborhood, I stopped in at Twistyland, just to nose around, and ended up grabbing a copy of Essential Ant-Man to add to my growing collection of that set. Not too shabby, the guy gave it to me for $10, though they normally discount it to $12. Plus, he threw in some atomic fireballs, and invited me to bring my MK armies down and play. So, huzzah!
As I type this, Danny's students are playing the first solid game at the school. I hope that they're having a great time, and look forward to hearing a full report when he gets home.
I've been getting a lot of hits from around the world lately... I really like seeing where the little connections go.
US Network 374 46.98%
US Commercial 163 20.48%
United States 101 12.69%
Canada 23 2.89%
US Educational 21 2.64%
United Kingdom 17 2.14%
Netherlands 9 1.13%
France 8 1.01%
US Organization 7 0.88%
Belgium 6 0.75%
Australia 6 0.75%
Sweden 6 0.75%
Italy 5 0.63%
Germany 5 0.63%
Switzerland 4 0.50%
Norway 4 0.50%
Turkey 3 0.38%
Portugal 3 0.38%
Finland 3 0.38%
Unknown 3 0.38%
Lebanon 2 0.25%
Mexico 2 0.25%
US Military 2 0.25%
Israel 2 0.25%
Argentina 2 0.25%
Singapore 2 0.25%
Japan 2 0.25%
Russian Federation 2 0.25%
Spain 2 0.25%
Denmark 2 0.25%
Latvia 1 0.13%
Korea 1 0.13%
Venezuela 1 0.13%
Czech Republic 1 0.13%
Austria 1 0.13%
Pretty neat!
My Mageknight Conquest Ranking (based on my playing only two games in rated tourneys, one composite, one constructed.) If I got Dave or Danny to play, that could be a threat to my "Best in city" standing.
Rating-ID 57528
Universe Mageknight Conquest
Player scottobear
Rate/Rank Type Constructed
Rating 1608
Battles Won 1
Battles Lost 0
Battles Fought 1
Location Fort Lauderdale Florida United States
World Rank 1434
National Rank 1283
State/Provincial Rank 82
Municipal Rank 1
Calculated On 11/26/2003 1:01:53 AM
Rating-ID 57529
Universe Mageknight Conquest
Player scottobear
Rate/Rank Type Composite
Rating 1608
Battles Won 1
Battles Lost 0
Battles Fought 1
Location Fort Lauderdale Florida United States
World Rank 1449
National Rank 1296
State/Provincial Rank 85
Municipal Rank 1
Calculated On 11/26/2003 1:01:53 AM
Strongbad likes ketchup on his eggs, too.
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers
When Tanya Andrews returned from a recent family holiday in Costa Rica, she had no idea she had brought back a gruesome souvenir.
A month later she developed an extremely painful lump on her head.
At first, she thought she had an abscess, but then it wriggled.
At the Hospital for Tropical Diseases they recognized the problem straight away - it was the living maggot larva of a botfly.
While Tanya was enjoying her holiday a mosquito had delivered a tiny botfly egg onto the surface of her scalp.
The egg hatched into a maggot and burrowed deep inside. Incredibly, this happens to thousands of people every year.
As we travel to ever more exotic holiday destinations, we are at the mercy of a whole range of bizarre parasites just waiting to colonize us.
Strange nosebleeds
They continued for three weeks until an embarrassing encounter in a teashop made him realize that something was seriously wrong.
As he was being served, the waiter took one look at him and fled in horror.
Broughton chased him down the street urging him to tell him what was wrong. But the boy would only point, wordlessly, at his nose.
Broughton returned home and sat in trepidation in front of a mirror.
His patience was rewarded when a brown worm-like creature emerged from his right nostril and looked around.
"I swear it had two beady eyes on it. And it came out two or three inches, looked around and then retracted. I thought it was a dream, a vision of some sort."
In shock, Broughton rushed off to his doctor who tried to remove the mysterious creature.
But it wasn't going to give up its home easily.
"He had this thing pulled out eight or ten inches and I'm looking at it cross-eyed down the end of my nose, and he's looking at it, he has a look of absolute horror on his face. And the thing came off. And there was this leech."
Broughton had been invaded by an aquatic leech. It made its move while he was drinking from a mountain stream.
These thirsty bloodsuckers can drink three times their bodyweight at each feed and inject an anesthetic so their victim feels nothing.
Welcome visitor
But not all parasites are unwanted and uninvited.
As part of a University of Salford experiment to develop a diagnostic test for beef tapeworm, biologist Mike Leahy volunteered to grow this gruesome parasite inside his own gut.
Mike swallowed the immature tapeworm cyst with a glass of red wine and the worm subsequently grew at an astonishing four centimeters a week.
Twelve weeks later he had to call a halt to the unusual experiment because he was getting married!
After a dose of anti-worm pill Mike passed out an intact, six foot long tapeworm.
Disgusted? Well according to Dr Val Curtis, an expert on hygiene, this reaction is a natural survival mechanism.
"In the same way that you have an immune system which helps to protect you from parasites we also have a behavioral system.
"When you feel the emotion of disgust it is a driver of your behavior to make you keep away from or drop the thing that might be about to make you sick."
And, it seems, we need all the protection we can get. Every living thing has at least one parasite and many creatures, including humans, have far more.
In fact, parasites make up the majority of species on Earth.
Spent a long and wonderful time at the Institute of Official Cheer. The yearly Thanksgiving perusal of scary food from yesteryear, as well as other vintage weirdness had me in stitches for hours. Between the classic photos and commentary, I don't know how anyone can't get enjoyment out of the place.
Gollum Rap - I may've linked to this before, but it's making the rounds, and I figure I'll toss it up here for at least Danny and his Class to see. Ugh, I confused Oghor-hai with Olog-hai and Uruk-hai. What kind of Tolkien fan am I? A confused one, is all. Thank goodness for the Encyclopedia of Arda. (I'm considering a run of my "super-site-siphon" on it, just so I can have a local copy for the future.)
In local news, I'd like to try this out, but I don' t know if I can get a teammate or two to come along:
Note to self, maybe during the above, check out Disassociated Books, a tiny shop tucked between an adult video store and a tattoo parlor (Babylon) south of Searstown on Federal Highway. I've been hearing good things about it.
(I just added that to my ever growing and very messy bio page) I'm not sure if I want to put the links on my journal itself, though it'd be much more convenient for folks that visit to spot it that way. Cool thing is that on many of the translatins, you can hover over words and see the English/other language translation.
Two new items added to eBay -
Coral Ridge Country Club Golf Foursome (Coral Ridge Country Club) and a One Month Fitness Spa Membership (Jupiter Fitness center)
Hopefully these will win ACIM some nice funds....I wonder if the foursome isn't too pricey an item for a local deal, but we'll see! I'll have to get CS to edit the copy... he didn't run it through a spell check. Otherwise, they look quite nice.
Del Monte's canned sweet peas (no salt) are far better quality-wise than Green Giant.
An 80-year-old woman used a ceremonial sword to fight off two six-foot raiders who burst into her home.
The widow wrestled with one of the burglars and brandished the weapon at the other.
Her actions forced the pair of teenagers to flee empty-handed from her home in Dunyeats Road, Broadstone, Poole, Dorset on Sunday.
I have still got my sword and I am ready to use it if anyone else should have a go
Widow Jean Freke
Mrs Freke, who sustained bruising to her arm during the incident, is currently having her angina condition monitored at Poole Hospital.
The sword was a pre-World War I army officer's dress sword which belonged to Mrs Freke's late husband's father.
Loud explosions
She said: "I was sitting in the drawing-room when I heard some loud explosions.
"I walked out into the hall to look around and these two men who had been trying to knock down my mahogany door had knocked-out the door frame."
One of the teenagers ransacked the room, while Mrs Freke struggled with the other.
"They were big men and I am not big at all.
"I was trying to keep them away from a chair in the far corner of the room - behind the cushion was my bag, cheque book and all my money," she said.
"I pointed the sword at the stomach of one them and shouted 'Get out, get out'.
" I have still got my sword and I am ready to use it if anyone else should have a go."
The raiders were white, aged 18 to 20, six feet tall and wearing dark clothing.
Detective Inspector Garry Smith said: "The attack on Mrs Freke was despicable and cowardly with a vulnerable widow being targeted in her own home.
"We are absolutely disgusted with what has occurred. Jean fought back and fought them off with her sword and I take my hat off to her."
The attack on Mrs Freke follows a series of burglaries where elderly householders have been targeted.
A year ago - palm doodle, dreams, henna, free chex mix, straight dope on Thanksgiving
two years ago - Procrustean, news, wicker man, code troubles, naughty/nice poll, HP lovecraft library
Three years ago - @, plantain recipe, ground zero after the presidential wars, squatch, Spanish potty mouf, sugar magnolia, Twinkie poem
Ah, lovely. Back from this morning's PT, which was just a glorified deep tissue massage, and that's just fine by me. Afterward, I arrived home to find a package from Bahrain that needed shuttling northwards, and my check came in, so it was off to the bank for a deposit and the PO next door to launch goodies. Thanks, Oneeyed and Sedef! I'm sure the goodies will be well recieved. :)
Since I was in the neighborhood, I stopped in at Twistyland, just to nose around, and ended up grabbing a copy of Essential Ant-Man to add to my growing collection of that set. Not too shabby, the guy gave it to me for $10, though they normally discount it to $12. Plus, he threw in some atomic fireballs, and invited me to bring my MK armies down and play. So, huzzah!
As I type this, Danny's students are playing the first solid game at the school. I hope that they're having a great time, and look forward to hearing a full report when he gets home.
I've been getting a lot of hits from around the world lately... I really like seeing where the little connections go.
US Network 374 46.98%
US Commercial 163 20.48%
United States 101 12.69%
Canada 23 2.89%
US Educational 21 2.64%
United Kingdom 17 2.14%
Netherlands 9 1.13%
France 8 1.01%
US Organization 7 0.88%
Belgium 6 0.75%
Australia 6 0.75%
Sweden 6 0.75%
Italy 5 0.63%
Germany 5 0.63%
Switzerland 4 0.50%
Norway 4 0.50%
Turkey 3 0.38%
Portugal 3 0.38%
Finland 3 0.38%
Unknown 3 0.38%
Lebanon 2 0.25%
Mexico 2 0.25%
US Military 2 0.25%
Israel 2 0.25%
Argentina 2 0.25%
Singapore 2 0.25%
Japan 2 0.25%
Russian Federation 2 0.25%
Spain 2 0.25%
Denmark 2 0.25%
Latvia 1 0.13%
Korea 1 0.13%
Venezuela 1 0.13%
Czech Republic 1 0.13%
Austria 1 0.13%
Pretty neat!
My Mageknight Conquest Ranking (based on my playing only two games in rated tourneys, one composite, one constructed.) If I got Dave or Danny to play, that could be a threat to my "Best in city" standing.
Rating-ID 57528
Universe Mageknight Conquest
Player scottobear
Rate/Rank Type Constructed
Rating 1608
Battles Won 1
Battles Lost 0
Battles Fought 1
Location Fort Lauderdale Florida United States
World Rank 1434
National Rank 1283
State/Provincial Rank 82
Municipal Rank 1
Calculated On 11/26/2003 1:01:53 AM
Rating-ID 57529
Universe Mageknight Conquest
Player scottobear
Rate/Rank Type Composite
Rating 1608
Battles Won 1
Battles Lost 0
Battles Fought 1
Location Fort Lauderdale Florida United States
World Rank 1449
National Rank 1296
State/Provincial Rank 85
Municipal Rank 1
Calculated On 11/26/2003 1:01:53 AM
Strongbad likes ketchup on his eggs, too.
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers
When Tanya Andrews returned from a recent family holiday in Costa Rica, she had no idea she had brought back a gruesome souvenir.
A month later she developed an extremely painful lump on her head.
At first, she thought she had an abscess, but then it wriggled.
At the Hospital for Tropical Diseases they recognized the problem straight away - it was the living maggot larva of a botfly.
While Tanya was enjoying her holiday a mosquito had delivered a tiny botfly egg onto the surface of her scalp.
The egg hatched into a maggot and burrowed deep inside. Incredibly, this happens to thousands of people every year.
As we travel to ever more exotic holiday destinations, we are at the mercy of a whole range of bizarre parasites just waiting to colonize us.
Strange nosebleeds
I swear it had two beady eyes on it. - Broughton CoburnSoon after travel writer, Broughton Coburn, returned from Nepal he began to experience regular, inexplicable nosebleeds.
They continued for three weeks until an embarrassing encounter in a teashop made him realize that something was seriously wrong.
As he was being served, the waiter took one look at him and fled in horror.
Broughton chased him down the street urging him to tell him what was wrong. But the boy would only point, wordlessly, at his nose.
Broughton returned home and sat in trepidation in front of a mirror.
His patience was rewarded when a brown worm-like creature emerged from his right nostril and looked around.
"I swear it had two beady eyes on it. And it came out two or three inches, looked around and then retracted. I thought it was a dream, a vision of some sort."
In shock, Broughton rushed off to his doctor who tried to remove the mysterious creature.
But it wasn't going to give up its home easily.
"He had this thing pulled out eight or ten inches and I'm looking at it cross-eyed down the end of my nose, and he's looking at it, he has a look of absolute horror on his face. And the thing came off. And there was this leech."
Broughton had been invaded by an aquatic leech. It made its move while he was drinking from a mountain stream.
These thirsty bloodsuckers can drink three times their bodyweight at each feed and inject an anesthetic so their victim feels nothing.
Welcome visitor
But not all parasites are unwanted and uninvited.
As part of a University of Salford experiment to develop a diagnostic test for beef tapeworm, biologist Mike Leahy volunteered to grow this gruesome parasite inside his own gut.
Mike swallowed the immature tapeworm cyst with a glass of red wine and the worm subsequently grew at an astonishing four centimeters a week.
Twelve weeks later he had to call a halt to the unusual experiment because he was getting married!
After a dose of anti-worm pill Mike passed out an intact, six foot long tapeworm.
Disgusted? Well according to Dr Val Curtis, an expert on hygiene, this reaction is a natural survival mechanism.
"In the same way that you have an immune system which helps to protect you from parasites we also have a behavioral system.
"When you feel the emotion of disgust it is a driver of your behavior to make you keep away from or drop the thing that might be about to make you sick."
And, it seems, we need all the protection we can get. Every living thing has at least one parasite and many creatures, including humans, have far more.
In fact, parasites make up the majority of species on Earth.
I have to schedule the techs for calls during the coming Christmas and New Years holiday. I'm not sure who I want to assign... I figure I'll take one, and one will go to CS. I wonder which day will be busiest... I'd rather take the thicker day, and let him deal with the lighter, until he and I are both more confident in his skills.
Spent a long and wonderful time at the Institute of Official Cheer. The yearly Thanksgiving perusal of scary food from yesteryear, as well as other vintage weirdness had me in stitches for hours. Between the classic photos and commentary, I don't know how anyone can't get enjoyment out of the place.
Gollum Rap - I may've linked to this before, but it's making the rounds, and I figure I'll toss it up here for at least Danny and his Class to see. Ugh, I confused Oghor-hai with Olog-hai and Uruk-hai. What kind of Tolkien fan am I? A confused one, is all. Thank goodness for the Encyclopedia of Arda. (I'm considering a run of my "super-site-siphon" on it, just so I can have a local copy for the future.)
In local news, I'd like to try this out, but I don' t know if I can get a teammate or two to come along:
ART SCAVENGER HUNTAnyone want to come?
The pursuit of art often ends with the pursuer finding something he would like to buy but can't because his money has already been spent on rent, car payments and other pricey necessities. Money is no object, however, at this third annual search along the streets and cubbyholes of Himmarshee Village, where aesthetes will keep the art they find and not have to pay for it. Presented by artist Steve Sticht, the hunt begins at Tavern 213 with maps being handed out to each contestant. From there, follow the clues to works by Sticht, Juliana Forero, Francesco LoCastro, Skot Olsen, Pablo Serrano, Jill Weisberg and many more. Scavengers are limited to two pieces, which, once found, are to be taken back to Tavern 213, where the artists will sign them. Also, participants may need tools to obtain the art, some of which is fragile.
Location: Tavern 213, 213 S.W. Second St., Fort Lauderdale
Time: 8 p.m. Saturday, 11/29/03
Cost: Free
Contact: 954/463-6213
Note to self, maybe during the above, check out Disassociated Books, a tiny shop tucked between an adult video store and a tattoo parlor (Babylon) south of Searstown on Federal Highway. I've been hearing good things about it.