I slept eight hours last night, but it doesn't feel like it was enough... usually a hot shower and a walk fixes me up, but no dice this go around. no recollection of the evening's dreams. I'd like to blame the time change, but I'm not sure that's what did it.
I wonder if I'm the only one suffering with yahoo mail this weekend... lots of trouble getting into the inbox the first time in. usually, I'll see everyone else griping about thaty sort of thing in their lj's.
part of an email from Rick...
I tried to make it through a Queer As Folk episode. This is the show about gay people who have gay sex and talk about their gayness in between eating gay food and working at their gay jobs. It sucks. It depicts gay people in the same way the average UPN sitcom mirrors the rich tapestry of African-American life.
Heh... I've never seen QAF, but I trust his judgement. I'm not sure why it's ok for people of any group to hold themselves up to a stereotype when nobody else can. I'm sort of an all or nothing mindset, really (leaning to the everyone can mock everyone, if they want to). I've never been very fond of political correctness...I think some things are simply correct or not.
on another tack -
custom signs -
http://www.electromark.com/ffsignwizard.asp?templateXML=S-50_3.5X5.xml&catgid=3 ... I want to make a bunch... silly, the things that amuse me. I only wish that they had more "
falling rocks and children crossing" style, but you can upload your own image, if you like. I'm probably going to play with it more when I get home from work tonight.
I've watched a pot until it boiled, and I don't even have heat vision. I then made macaroni and cheese, with peas and little pearl onions... so take that, cliche'!
Mondays are wonderful to come home to Newt... he missed me after having me around all weekend, so he's all crazy-lovey. It took ten solid minutes of cat-squishing to get him to relax and knowI'm in with him for the night...so he can dash off, and hang out on the cardbard boxes.
found a new supplier for goodies... that video card is $100, and looks to be easily installed. I look forward to having that machine up and solid...I'm going to bring the laptop in to work once I have the big machine solid, and back her up there... I'm contemplating the new network... point (palm), Line (laptop), Square (Web server), and Cube for Big Boy. Or maybe not.
Ack! Dang Yahoo!
There was a problem accessing your account.
Please try back again in 10 minutes. You might want to try logging out and logging back in again. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you.
ah... scalding hot shower on my rhino hide feels sooooo good after a long day. my shoulders are still steaming.
War Ellie figs from Warhammer Ancient Battles. I want a battle elephant! If I don't get carving soon, I'm going to yodel or something. (note, of course, my ellie-carving skills are mighty crude, compared to the folks that did those miniatures. I really like the quilted armor about five down.)

You know that of Hannibal's ellies, he started with 34, but only seven survived the trip. Poor things, but the two big battles were won, anyhow.
Carthaginians were mighty. Sadly, like Antony, he too pussed out and took his own life to avoid repercussions.
Sleeping in airports. (
here's mine! How nice, it's an acceptable one.) Hmm... scary that Miami is as acceptable... must be the security. I wish I'd known about it when I was sans a place to live. Living on the beach isn't too bad, but I'm glad those days are behind me.
singing eugene has added a few songs since last year, too. go visit
virtual om, too. I could stare stupidly at either for quite a while.
going beddy bye, now... nighters, all.
Back from this morning's walk... dreamed that I was riding with my sweetie on the back of a
woolly mammoth...(I tell you what, I bet washing and brushing it would be a full-time job. I'll bathe it if she takes care of the Mammoth's snarly locks.) But we were in a covered howdah, with the bottom removed, so we could pet the ellie's pelt, but still have cover from the weather...it wasn't bad though... night time, clear, cool. I would prefer being there right now, actually. we were riding through a high-grassed meadow, laying on our backs, looking a the stars...a slow, loping walk, just letting the hairy beastie go where it wanted to.
big piccie of ellie armor (I'm going to slightly modify it and make it desktop wallpaper... by putting my sweetie, Newt and myself on his back)
I like it, but I think I'd prefer it in bright red or dark green.
If Newton could yell "Death from above! Suffer, Yeti who is my father!", he would have. I just got up to go to the bathroom, walked past my dresser, and was tackled by a predatory psycho-kitty. He is now sitting on my shoulders. He initially landed on my head, and I was totally unprepared for his oomph-tackle, and replied with a *waugh*. almost immediately after, I cracked up, laughing.
Want to see my freedom force dream team? I think they should fight the
naked robot monkey I bet my beloved would say "he's just misunderstood!".
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no? Well, here they are, anyhow.

they are, from left to right, for the cartoon or server impaired -
black widow, bizarro, plastic man, wonder woman, nick fury, shanna the she-devil, man-thing, cliff steele-robotman, mad dog, and poison ivy.
all feed into different elements of my mindset. My love of "underdog heroes" and misfits stand out... not to mention a certain redhead in a leopard print outfit. Monga !
oh, and beast!
Naked Robot monkey says you must obey!
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angry kid, from the guys who did wallace and gromit.
not for the easily offended. cracked me up! Thanks to for pointing me there, and all the laughies!

The baha men are trying to push a new album... didn't anyone tell them that "who let the dogs out" is a one hit wonder song?
I'm sort of fiddling with pictures lately, making skins of my beloved, Newton (once I get a big-cat framework), and myself as superheroes for freedom force.
The Carpet Cougar, Magnificent Moonflower, and being known only as the Pod...I'm still debating what powers to give each.
I think Newt-hero will get a cybernetic brain, blitzkrieg, claws, superleap, running speed and charming appearance, to start.... Maybe a surprise attack, too... stealth?
Holy cow! look at the time! I've got to get to work!