Monday, August 19, 2002

from this morning, 10am

Hiya, Journal.

I was right, it was hot in here... but if I switch it to fan, and let it defrost a while, it runs back to cool again. I'm calling the landlord this morning about fixing it. He needs to take it to a professional, or replace the unit. I wonder if we ever do figure out "cold spots" and supposed hauntings if there'd be a way to channel that cooling element into a house's temperature control? Not that I'd want to replace my A/C with wandering, lost spirits... just pondering.

I dreamt that Newt had to go to the vet because we got into a car accident, and had to be fitted for a little leg brace with a special shoe. Let's hope that the dream isn't prophetic...I don't think it will be.

I'd like a severe thunderstorm tonight, please. I'm of a mood to have one.

Doug's going to move to Seattle soon... so that'll be like five people I know there now. I haven't heard from ol' Robb is quite a little spell... I should make a point of chatting him up.

Everybody does it: While Democrats are screaming to know how much influence Enron may have had on President Bush's energy policy, Time magazine reveals that the Clinton administration was listening to Enron too.
Long before Cheney's task force met with Enron officials and included their ideas in Bush's energy plan, Clinton's energy team was doing much the same thing. Drafting a 1995 plan to help facilitate cash flow and credit for energy producers, it asked for Enron's input and listened. The staff was directed to "rework the proposal to take into account the specific comments and suggestions you made," Clinton Deputy Energy Secretary Bill White wrote an Enron official.

The more things change, the more they remain the same... and I think everyone involved should be taken to task for it.
Worried about b-boy, and my sweetie... He was to go back to the doctor today... I hope he's doing brother's doing all right, except that his voice sounds a little froggy.

I got my yellow cake with chocolate icing! weirdly, psychically, mom made one, and split it between her young. it was pretty darn good... had a hint of orange zest in it.

Some interesting reading on Hurricane Andrew - 10yrs later I was working at the Boynton Beach Library, and our roof caved in... we had some advance warning, so the stacks were all covered with black plastic, and the pages would get books for people with flashlights in hand. a family of mice were found afterwards, and set free... a scorpion mommy with babies on her back drowned in a slippery plastic pool.

There were whole neighborhoods that were flattened... I am proud to say that many people pulled together to distribute care packages and help those that were left homeless. That's the closest I've ever been to seeing a war zone. Boats, several blocks inland... houses stomped totally flat, the roof thrown into another neighborhood. It seems like a lifetime ago... I was at FAU, playing D&D with Brent and Steve, crushing on Jane, Pam and/or Charlotte at any given time. Those days are so far gone.
Piccies from today...or, oh, what a difference a flash and leaving the shutter open can make!

Taken over the span of about 20 minutes, waiting for the bus.

pink clouds

more pink clouds

orange-yellow clouds

shutter test...
with open shutter.... that's the moon up there.

same time, regular shutter...

this thing was going about 60 mph.

another shutter/flash test. all were taken within one minute of each other, same weak lighting. sign's white due to flash.

flash, reg-shutter

flash, open shutter

no flash, open shutter. it was really dark.

The bus driver was very kind to me this evening... let me take the bike on board, because the front rack was full.. most would've made me wait for the next one. (I would've biked home first, but it'd have taken me an hour and a half. )